Senior Scoop - Jan. 24, 2002
Senior Scoop - Jan. 24, 2002
Campus News Spring commencement speaker
Graduation Info Get your reservations
Moving On Pizza costs more in NYC
Career Do your homework
Life after the U Insurance must-haves
Take a Break Wolverines are everywhere

campus news
Bring Michigan Stadium to its feet---and not by starting the wave. The Office of the Vice President for Communications is accepting entries for a student speaker at spring commencement, Saturday, April 27. To share your words of wisdom, you must be receiving a bachelor's degree during winter or summer term 2002. Just submit a typed draft of your speech, which must be less than five minutes in length, emphasizing academic pursuits and experiences unique to the U; a standard audiocassette tape or CD of you delivering the speech; and your resume highlighting your scholarship and campus leadership.

Contact Patty Mullaney at with questions and submit your entry to the Office of the Vice President for Communications, 2040 Fleming Administration Building, Campus Mail 1340, Attention: Student Speaker Entries. The deadline is 5 p.m., Wednesday, March 6. We'll see you in the Big House!


graduation info
You want a nice dinner to celebrate graduation, right? Well, so does every other graduating Wolverine. To ensure that you and your family don't end up eating at Mickey D's, call your favorite restaurant now and ask when they'll start taking reservations for graduation weekend. Many accept them up to six weeks in advance, so mark your calendar for the day you can get your table. The same goes for hotels. If you don't get your reservations now, Mom and Dad will be crashing on your couch.


Free AAUM Membership

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moving on
Sure an editorial assistant position at a New York magazine sounds great, but you have to consider the difference in the cost of living. If you took a job paying $25,000 in A2, you would need to make almost $50,000 to live at the same standard in the Big Apple. Things are a little more reasonable in Seattle, where you'd need about $27,000, or Chicago where $35,000 would do the trick. You can figure out your money needs at


Looking for a job in this depressed economy makes things a bit tough, but that doesn't mean there are no jobs. You just need to do a little homework. Read up on your potential employer, make sure your resume shines, and brush up on your interview skills and etiquette. The U's Career Planning and Placement Office will host "Researching Employers: Being a Smart Candidate in a Tight Economy" on Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Union. For more info on the seminar, visit


life after u
Depending on the type of health insurance your parents have and what's offered by your future employer, you may find yourself without insurance for a while-which is never good. A freak bike accident or a case of appendicitis can leave you in debt for a long time if you're not covered. Check with your parents about their policy and be sure to ask about it when you get a job offer.

If you do need a short-term solution, the Alumni Association offers its members discounts on short-term health insurance through Seabury & Smith. The policies are billed monthly so it won't break your budget, and it's great peace of mind. The best part is that graduating seniors get a free one-year membership in the Alumni Association, which saves you even more cash. Sign up for your free year at


take a break
When you graduate, you'll become one of more than 400,000 living Michigan alumni---one of the largest alumni bodies in the world!


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