Ecological monsters are created by nature. Like the gill-man from the Black Lagoon, King Kong, and Godzilla, they are remnants from the past who live apart from human civilization. Wise native neighbors are aware of the power held by these seldom seen species and show deference for their territory. As long as they are not offended, ecological monsters are not usually malicious. However, if humankind should intrude upon their territory and--worse--commit some crime against the environment in which an ecological monster lives, then he or she is likely to become defensive. Therefore, ecological sinners are often punished by these creatures.
     Isolation and scarcity affect the monster's social growth. The ecological monster develops without the cultural traditions contained in human cultures. When an eco-monster attempts to establish non-violent contact, it is often misinterpreted or deemed inappropriate. Particularly this problem arises in the presence of the opposite sex where social rituals are highly acculturated and difficult for foreigners to navigate. In these ways, the eco-monster is like an adolescent trying to figure out how to balance his or her animal instinct with unspoken social etiquette. Secondly, the eco-monster has distinct physical differences from humans. Humans are often frightened by differences when they are not well-understood and eco-monsters are misunderstood. As with a werewolf, the gill-man, and Kong, the monster is often perceived as less evolved and therefore inadequate as a potential friend or mate. Finding no place permitted for him or her, the frustration drives the monster into violent reprecussions. Often this leads to its own destruction at the hands of the dominant species...tool-using humans.