Katie Sbordon

Katie has a secret: she's actually not Irish at all. Regardless, this is her 7th and final show with Léim, her 4th as Director, and after Irish dancing for 9 years, she's hoping Ireland will just give in and adopt her. She danced with the O'Hare School of Irish Dance through high school, but in college decided she was more interested in performance than competition...enter Léim (then known as U of M Irish Dance). She started directing her sophomore year and has loved every minute of it. In addition to rehearsals, this year she is also teaching Irish dance classes at the Ann Arbor Rec Center. She is finishing her senior year with two majors: Organizational Studies and Psychology. Léim was the inspiration for her career path in arts management, and she hopes to run a theatre company one day. She would like to thank her parents for coming to every single dance show ever, her housemates for sharing (and fueling) her obsession, and Conor O'Neil's for their endless pints of Guinness. Finally, she wants to thank everyone she's ever met who thought Irish dance was awesome and especially her dancers, for staying in their lines, not complaining (too much) about late night rehearsals, and not tapping in their hardshoes when she's talking.