<<<<<<< template-htmail.html HTMaiL Sample (with templates) ======= umweb: A Simple HTMaiL Sample (with templates) >>>>>>> 1.2

Thank you for your feedback

Enter your name:
Enter your e-mail address:
Send me a copy of this message

Please enter comments in the text area below. They will be sent to htmail-test-address@umich.edu when you click on the "Send Message" button below.

HTMaiL v1.5.
Report any problems with this gateway to webmaster@www.umich.edu . Online help is available.

source code for this form:

<form method=POST action="/cgi-bin/htmail/htmail-test-address@umich.edu">

Enter your name: <input name="name"><br>
Enter your e-mail address: <input name="from"><br>

<input name=ccme type=checkbox checked> Send me a copy of this message<p>

Please enter comments in the text area below.  They will be sent to
<b>htmail-test-address@umich.edu</b> when you click on the "Send Message" button
<textarea name="body" cols=60 rows=15>

<input type=submit value="Send Message"><p>

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="subject" value="BIT BUCKET EMAIL">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="template" value="example.tmpl">