12 Tips for Homepage Builders - Good info to base your HTML work on
Advanced Seminars - Discussions on Forms, Tables, Frames
Another HTML Quick-Ref - Another HTML Quick Referance page
Authors Toolkit - Some invaluable Internet and HTML tools
Backgrounds & Colors - Explination of setting Backgrounds, Colors, etc.
Bare Bones HTML Guide - Just what the names says it is :)
Beginner's Guide to HTML - A nice starting point
Carlos' Forms Tutorial - Great place to learn how to use forms
CERN's Style Guide - Cern's Style Guide
Color Index Chart - For quick RGB selection this chart is tops
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html - Usenet HTML authoring list
Comprehensive Guide to Publishing - Information on Web Publishing
Converters to and from HTML - Converters list
Creating High Impact Documents - Techniques to make unique pages
Deptartment of Education WWW Style Guide - Policy and Procedures
Developers Library - The Web Developers Virtual Library
DJ's Ultimate HTML site - I don't know about ultimate.... but it's pretty good
GIF89a Animation on the Web - Moving Graphical images
Guides to Writing HTML Documents - Style Guides
Hints for building Websites - A nice litany of tips for good HTML writers
HTML 3.0 Specs - Most current specifications for HTML 3.0
HTML Compendium - A Compendium of HTML Element tags
HTML Documentation - Detailed listing of HTML tags
HTML Language - HyperText Markup Language docs
HTML Quick Reference - A handy quick referance guide for HTML
HTML Style Sheets - W3's Style Sheets
HTML Syntax Checker - HTML validation service
HTML Tools Library - Tools to aid in HTML authoring
Imagemap Helppage - Help on creating Imagemaps
Introduction to HTML - Named in the top 5% of the web by POINT
is08859 Alphabet Soup - Has a nice GIF charts of the charsets
iso8859 - iso8859-1 with HTML 3.0 Entity Tables (VERY nice)
Jorn's Style Guide - Jorn's thoughts on good WWW style
Netlinks HTML Index - A treasure trove of HTML related links
Netscape Browser Plug-ins - For those of you who like Netscapisms
Netscape Colors - Netscape color pallet
Principles of Good HTML design - HTML Writers Guild style guide
Real Audio Homepage - Play sound files on the fly
Resources on BAD webpages - Learn what NOT to do when writing HTML
The Art of HTML - HTML as an Artform?
The Enhanced for Netscape Hall of - Not exactly an honor to be here but...
The HTML 3.0 Table Model - A nice, short Table Example
W3 and HTML Tools - HTML Tool Index
Web Design & Publishing - Web Help from the folks at U of M
Web Developer's Virtual Library - Nice collection of HTML links and tools
Web Development Resources - HTML, events, seminars, etc.
WebMastery - Links to numerous HTML guides
Web Weavers - Web Weavers: WWW Tools
Webach's Style Tips - WWW style tips by Kevin Werbach
Weblint - Perhaps the best HTML validator
Webreference.com - Another Web Reference Page
WWW Consortium - The World Wid Web Consortium
Yahoo HTML Section - Yahoo's links to HTML resource pages
Yale C/AIM Style Guide - A very nice WWW style guide