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Figure 1: Effects of Support on Federal Local Expenditures, Pre-midterm

Figure 2: Effects of Support on Local Federal Expenditures, Post-midterm

Figure 3: Effects of Support on Pre-midterm to Post-midterm Changes in Local Federal Expenditures

variable tex2html_wrap_inline219 description
transfer payments tex2html_wrap_inline221 transfer payments to individuals
civilian employment tex2html_wrap_inline223 Federal government civilian employment
military employment tex2html_wrap_inline223 Federal government military employment
civilian salaries tex2html_wrap_inline227 salaries and wages, all civilian and Postal Service employees
military salaries tex2html_wrap_inline227 salaries and wages, all military personnel
civilian procurements tex2html_wrap_inline227 procurement contracts, all except Defense Department
military procurements tex2html_wrap_inline227 procurement contracts, Defense Department
direct payments tex2html_wrap_inline227 direct payments other than for individuals
education transfers tex2html_wrap_inline237 transfers to local governments for education
highways transfers tex2html_wrap_inline237 transfers to local governments for highways
social welfare transfers tex2html_wrap_inline237 transfers to local governments for public welfare, employment security, health and hospitals, housing
other transfers tex2html_wrap_inline237 all other transfers to local governments
Table 1: Types of local federal expenditure


tex2html_wrap_inline219 All variables are used per capita, based on county population tex2html_wrap_inline247 .

tex2html_wrap_inline247 source, Bureau of Economic Analysis 1990.

tex2html_wrap_inline251 source, Bureau of the Census 1984-90.

tex2html_wrap_inline253 source, Bureau of the Census 1986-91 and 1991; county totals are estimated as in Mebane 1993.

tex2html_wrap_inline255 units, $1000 per person.

tex2html_wrap_inline257 units, jobs per person.


maximum is an elite-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the elite-oriented range
civilian procurements .61 (.61, .61) civilian employment .96 (.00, 1.00)
military procurements .68 (.18, .97) military salaries -- no max tex2html_wrap_inline219
military employment .71 (.71, .71) transfer payments -- no max
civilian salaries .68 (.67, .68) Federal other transfers .18 (.02, .56)
direct payments .52 (.46, .58) State welfare transfers .29 (.24, .35)
Federal highways transfers .67 (.00, 1.00)
Federal welfare transfers .64 (.63, .65)
Federal education transfers .56 (.52, .59)
State highways transfers .67 (.67, .67)
State education transfers .55 (.53, .57)
State other transfers .71 (.68, .74)
maximum is an elite-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the elite-oriented range
transfer payments .74 (.00, 1.00) civilian procurements -- no max
military procurements .44 (.32, .57)
civilian employment .85 (.00, 1.00)
military employment .04 (.02, .06)
civilian salaries -- no max
military salaries -- no max
direct payments .90 (.43, 1.00)
Federal highways transfers .98 (.00, 1.00)
Federal welfare transfers .90 (.89, .90)
Federal education transfers .99 (.83, 1.00)
Federal other transfers -- no max
State highways transfers .05 (.00, .87)
State welfare transfers .44 (.32, .57)
State education transfers -- no max
State other transfers .84 (.23, 1.00)
Table 2: Point Estimates and 95% Confidence Intervals of Support Values in the Open Interval (0,1) That Maximize Local Federal Expenditures

Source: Confidence intervals are computed using normal approximations and asymptotic standard errors obtained by the delta method from the asymptotic covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates of the targeting polynomials.

tex2html_wrap_inline219 The polynomial does not have any local maximum values in (0,1).


institutionally less complex LFEs
maximum is a voter-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the voter-oriented range
military employment .39 (.39, .39) civilian employment .98 (.00, 1.00)
civilian procurements .33 (.32, .35)
civilian salaries .41 (.41, .41)
military procurements .42 (.34, .51)
military salaries .39 (.26, .53)
transfer payments .38 (.14, .67)
direct payments .32 (.27, .38)
institutionally complex LFEs
maximum is a voter-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the voter-oriented range
Federal welfare transfers .46 (.42, .51) Federal other transfers -- no max tex2html_wrap_inline219
Federal highways transfers .35 (.00, 1.00) State highways transfers .17 (.07, .33)
Federal education transfers .32 (.27, .38) State welfare transfers -- no max
State education transfers -- no max
State other transfers .53 (.49, .56)
Table 3: Point Estimates and 95% Confidence Intervals of Support Values in the Open Interval (0,1) That Maximize Pre-midterm to Post-midterm Changes in Local Federal Expenditures

Source: Confidence intervals are computed using normal approximations and asymptotic standard errors obtained by the delta method from the asymptotic covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates of the targeting polynomials.

tex2html_wrap_inline219 The polynomial does not have any local maximum values in (0,1).


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Walter Mebane
Sun Sep 26 17:56:28 EDT 1999