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VAR 000085 Pre.Sample.7. Did R vote outside IW CD?

VAR 000085    Pre.Sample.7. Did R vote outside IW CD?
              MD1: EQ 8,  MD2: GE 9
              COLUMNS:  175 - 175


       Did R vote in state and CD of interview?

       0. R voted in state and CD of interview
       1. R did not vote in state and CD of interview

       8. NA if vote was in state/CD of interview (4 in Post C1 and 8,9,0
          in Post C3)
       9. INAP, R did not vote or NA/DK if voted; no Post interview; IW
          location misidentified in the Preload (1 in Post-Summary.24)

                      0        1        8        9
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count    1131       22       28      626


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001