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VAR 000093 Pre.Sample.16. Belt code

VAR 000093    Pre.Sample.16. Belt code
              MD:  EQ 0
              COLUMNS:  209 - 209


       Belt code - interview location

       See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables" and the appendix
       Coded according to the 1990 Census and 1990 Office of
       Management and Budget (OMB) definitions, 1990 Census
       Population reports (as reported in the 1992 Annual Metro,
       City and County Data book) and 1990 Census "urbanized
       area" (as shown in the 1994 Rand McNally Road Atlas - 70th
       NOTE: Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and
       segment identification, it could not be provided with segment
       level data, including this variable (blank).

       NOTE: Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and
       segment identification, segment level data, including this
       variable, could not be provided.

       1. Central Cities of the six largest (population over
          4,500,000) Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas
          (CMSAs), plus the 15 next largest CMSA/MSAs
          (population over 2,000,000)
       2. Central Cities of CMSAs and MSAs with fewer than
          2,000,000 population (exclusive of those in the 21
          largest CMSA/MSAs -- code 1)
       3. Suburbs of the six largest CMSA/MSAs and 15 next 
          largest CMSAs/MSAs
       4. Suburb of all other CMSA/MSAs
       5. Adjacent Areas: includes all territory beyond the
          outer boundary of the suburban belt, but within 50
          miles of the central business district of a central city
       6. Outlying Area: includes all territory more than 50
          miles from the central business district of a
          central city

       0. Telephone sample (RDD)

                      0        1        2        3
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     801       99      185      168

                      4        5        6
                   -----    -----    -----
          Count     241      264       49


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001