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VAR 001109 Pre.Rand.M4b/M4c. Ord-Gore-envir/jobs

VAR 001109    Pre.Rand.M4b/M4c. Ord-Gore-envir/jobs
              MD:  EQ 9
              COLUMNS:  2147 - 2147


       Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Environment-Jobs
       placements M4b-M4c / M4b.T-M4c.T

       1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name
       2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name

       9. NA

                      1        2        9
                   -----    -----    -----
          Count     920      884        3


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001