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VAR 001370 G1x. 3-category lib-con summary

VAR 001370    G1x. 3-category lib-con summary
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  2490 - 2490


       Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't
       you thought much about this?
       If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a
       liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?

       When it comes to politics, do you usually think of
       yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly
       liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly
       conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or
       haven't you thought much about this?
       If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a
       liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?


       Built from G1a/G1a.T and G1b.
       This is the traditional summary used in 7-pt scale FTF
       administration in previous years.
       Recode values used for each category appear in the order:

       1. Liberal  (1/2/3,0; 0/4/8,1)
       3. Moderate  (0/4/8,5; 4,7/8/9/NA)
       5. Conservative  (5/6/7,0; 0/4/8,3)
       7. Refused to choose  (0/8,7/9)

       8. DK  (0/8,8)
       9. NA/RF to entire question series  (RF/NA,0)
       0. NA to follow up question G4aa  (0/8,NA); No Post IW

                      1        3        5        7        8        9
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     419      428      620       78       10      252


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001