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VAR 001426 J5. # times R watched morning news

VAR 001426    J5. # times R watched morning news
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 98
              COLUMNS:  2576 - 2577


       How many times in the last week have you watched morning
       news programs such as "Today," "Good Morning America,"
       or "The Early Show"?

       1-20. NUMBER OF TIMES
       95.   EVERY DAY
       96.   NEVER, NOT AT ALL

       98.   DON'T KNOW
       99.   RF
       00.   NA; INAP, no Post interview; 97 in J3

                      0        1        2        3        4
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     284      122      110      123       61

                      5        6       95       96       98
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     181       16      177      729        4


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001