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VAR 000126 Post.Admin.1. Mode of Interview

VAR 000126    Post.Admin.1. Mode of Interview
              MD:  EQ 0
              COLUMNS:  385 - 385


       POST: Mode of Interview

       See Post-Admin.1a.
       5 cases re-assigned to phone mode in the Post were administered FTF
       in error; note that several of these cases, although administered FTF,
       used telephone logic in the interview.

       1. Personal
       5. Telephone
       7. ADMINISTERED USING WRONG MODE: FTF re-assigned to telephone
          but administered as Personal interview

       0. No post IW

                      0        1        5        7
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     252      693      857        5


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001