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VAR 001481 K11x. Summary protctng homosxls against job discrim

VAR 001481    K11x. Summary protctng homosxls against job discrim
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  2660 - 2660


       Recently there has been a lot of talk about job
       discrimination.  Do you favor or oppose laws to protect
       homosexuals against job discrimination?
       Do you favor such laws strongly or not strongly?/
       Do you oppose such laws strongly or not strongly?


       Bult from K11 and K11a/b

       1. Favor strongly
       2. Favor not strongly
       4. Disapprove not strongly
       5. Disapprove strongly

       8. DK in K11 or K11a/b
       9. RF in K11 or K11a/b
       0. NA; INAP, no Post IW

                      0        1        2        4
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     252      597      394      200

                      5        8        9
                   -----    -----    -----
          Count     278       63       23



       Please look at page 5 of the booklet.  Some people say
       that the best way to reduce crime is to address the
       social problems that cause crime, like bad schools,
       poverty and joblessness.  (Suppose these people are at
       one end of a scale, at point 1.)  Other people say the
       best way to reduce crime is to make sure that criminals
       are caught, convicted and punished.  (Suppose these
       people are at the other end, at point 7.)  And, of
       course, some other people have opinions somewhere in
       between at points 2,3,4,5 or 6.

       Some people say that the best way to reduce crime is to
       address the social problems that cause crime, like
       bad schools, poverty and joblessness.  Still others say
       the best way to reduce crime is to make sure that
       criminals are caught, convicted and punished.


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001