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VAR 001494 L8. Is R a member of any organizations

VAR 001494    L8. Is R a member of any organizations
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  2675 - 2675


       Here is a list of some organizations people can belong
       to.  There are labor unions, associations of people who
       do the same kinds of work, fraternal groups such as
       Lions or Kinterviewanis, hobby clubs or sports teams,
       groups working on political issues, community groups,
       and school groups.  Of course, there are lots of other
       types of organizations, too.  Not counting membership
       in a local church or synagogue, are you a member of any
       of these kinds of organizations?

       1. YES
       5. NO   --> L9

       8. DK   --> L9
       9. RF
       0. NA; INAP, no Post interview

                      0        1        5
                   -----    -----    -----
          Count     252      645      910


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001