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VAR 001538 Q7. Elections make govt pay attention

VAR 001538    Q7. Elections make govt pay attention
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  2723 - 2723


       How much do you feel that having elections makes the
       government pay attention to what the people think
       -- good deal, some, or not much?

       1. A GOOD DEAL
       3. SOME
       5. NOT MUCH

       8. DK
       9. RF
       0. NA; INAP, no Post interview
                      0        1        3        5        8
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     253      735      613      196       10


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001