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VAR 000020 Pre.Admin.17. Verification

VAR 000020    Pre.Admin.17. Verification
              COLUMNS:  82 - 82


       PRE: Verification

       Approximately 15 percent of interviews (completed or partially
       completed) were randomly selected and verified by field supervisors
       for new interviewers, and 6 percent were randomly selected and verified 
       for SRC-experienced interviewers.

       Verification was attempted by phone (phone interviews) or by letter 
       (FTF interviews) within 3 days of interview date.  If no contact/response 
       with the respondent was made after 3 attempts, a replacement line was 
       selected.  The respondent was asked whether they were interviewed by
       the interviewer of record, the approximate length of the interview, and
       whether or not the interview was interesting; in addition , 3 questions 
       were asked about content of the interview.  NOTE: for verification codes,
       a "don't remember" response is considered a non-match.

       0. Counted for Ann Arbor office, not selected for verification
       1. Flagged for verification (interview number selected)
       2. Verified OK (all verification data match original data exactly)
       3. Verified with discrepancy (only one piece of verification data
          does not match; everything else matches exactly)
       4. Not verified (more than 1 piece of information reported by the
          respondent at the time of verification is different from that
          collected at the time of the original interview or finalizing
          the case; further probing results in assignment of either code 3
          or code 4 as a final code)
       5. Unable to verify (R is contacted but is unwilling to participate
          in verification exercise or the respondent cannot be reached;
          this includes: reaching the household by telephone but not reaching
          the respondent, and includes sending the verification latter to a
          household but no letter returned after 3 attempts)
       6. Verification limit met (used when the verifier has already completed
          the needed verification level).

                      0        1        2        3
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count    1509       15      246       22

                      4        5        6
                   -----    -----    -----
          Count       3       10        2


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001