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VAR 000523 K1x. Party ID summary

VAR 000523    K1x. Party ID summary
              MD1: EQ 8,  MD2: GE 9
              COLUMNS:  1408 - 1408


       Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a
       Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what?
       Would you call yourself a strong Democrat/Republican or
       a not very strong Democrat/ Republican?
       Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican
       Party or to the Democratic party?


       Built from K1, K1a/b, K1c.
       Code 8 (apolitical) was used only if the respondent had a
       code of 5 (no preference) in K1 and a code of 3,8 or 9 in
       K1c AND also showed little or no interest in politics in
       response to the following survey questions:  PRE question
       A1.(interest in campaigns), PRE question B1 (care about
       Congressional race outcome), POST question C1 (voted), POST
       question F5 (follow public affairs); respondents who
       showed an interest in politics were coded 3.

       0. Strong Democrat (1,1,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c)
       1. Weak Democrat (1,5/8/9,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c)
       2. Independent-Democrat (3/4/5/8,0,5 in K1,  K1a/b, K1c
       3. Independent-Independent (3,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c;
          8,0,3 and 5,0,3/8/9 if not apolitical)
       4. Independent-Republican (3/4/5/8,0,1 in K1, K1a/b, K1c)
       5. Weak Republican (2,5/8/9,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c)
       6. Strong Republican (2,1,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c)
       7. Other; minor party; refuses to say (4,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c)

       8. Apolitical (8,0,3 or 5,0,3/8/9 in E6, E6a/b, E6c and no interest
          in politics
       9. NA (8/9,0,0 in E6, E6a/b, E6c)

                      0        1        2        3        4
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     346      274      269      206      230

                      5        6        7        8        9
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     215      236        9       17        5



       Please look at page 4 of the booklet.  I am going to
       read a list of words and phrases people may use to
       describe political figures.  For each, tell me whether
       the word or phrase describes the candidate I name.

       I am going to read a list of words and phrases people
       may use to describe political figures.  For each, please
       tell me whether the word or phrase describes the
       candidate I name.


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001