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VAR 000544 K4g. Buchanan trait - out of touch

VAR 000544    K4g. Buchanan trait - out of touch
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  1429 - 1429


       Think about Pat Buchanan.
       In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is <trait>'
       describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not
       too well, or not well at all?
       (What about <trait>? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan
       extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at


       [DO NOT PROBE "DK"]
       The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were
       administered was randomized. Within each series, the order
       of the traits about that candidate was also randomized.
       Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period

       Randomization:  Randomization is documented within the
       collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of
       the Pre survey vars.  The question numbers for randomization
       variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by
       "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization
       variable Rand.A4/A5].

       2. QUITE WELL
       3. NOT TOO WELL
       4. NOT WELL AT ALL

       8. DK
       9. RF
       0. NA; question dropped

                      0        1        2        3
                   -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count    1037       85      183      177

                      4        8        9
                   -----    -----    -----
          Count      79      244        2



       Please look at page 5 of the booklet.
       Some people think the government should provide fewer
       services even in areas such as health and education
       in order to reduce spending. Suppose these people are at
       one end of a scale, at point 1. Other people feel it
       is important for the government to provide many more
       services even if it means an increase in spending.
       Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7.
       And, of course, some other people have opinions
       somewhere in between, at points 2,3,4,5 or 6.

       Some people think the government should provide fewer
       services even in areas such as health and
       education in order to reduce spending.  Other people
       feel it is important for the government to provide many
       more services even if it means an increase in spending.


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001