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VAR 000823 Q6. U.S. more/less secure since 1992

VAR 000823    Q6.  U.S. more/less secure since 1992
              MD1: EQ 0,  MD2: GE 8
              COLUMNS:  1718 - 1718


       Would you say that compared to 1992, the United States
       is more secure from its foreign enemies, less secure, or
       hasn't this changed very much?

       Respondents were randomly assigned either to the
       retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects
       and traits battery (Q14-Q15).  If R did not get selected
       for the retrospective battery in the Pre election
       instrument they were assigned administration in the
       Post (S1-S11) and vice versa.

       1. MORE SECURE
       3. LESS SECURE                 --> SKIP TO Q6b
       5. NO CHANGE                   --> SKIP TO Q7

       8. DK                         --> SKIP TO Q7
       9. RF
       0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre

                      0        1        3        5        8
                   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
          Count     920      215      261      379       32


Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 19 01:35:33 EST 2001