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Part 2. 1974-and later: Most Important Problem Codes

                            [note: for 1960-1972 codes, see part 1 above]

    1974-BASED CODES:  In 1974, a set of 'most important problem' codes was
created with a numbering scheme following 1960-1972 general groupings,
but specific codes were not necessarily related to individual codes from any
years 1960-1972. During years 1976-1986, some codes within this 1974-based set
were revised in text (usually augmented), and some codes were added when need
arose, but no categories were dropped.

    1988 REVIEW OF CODES:  In 1988, prior to the coding of that year's study
data, the existing set of 'most important problem' codes underwent a
comprehensive review, resulting in deletion of all categories with a history
of "too few mentions" since 1974.  There was, as well, a rewording/revision of
many codes and combining of others.  Since 1988, codes have been added or
revised/ augmented only where necessary to process data describing very
current issues.

    'RETIRED CODES':  Unless indicated differently (i.e., for merged codes),
individual categories NOT continued in 1988 ('retired') were terminated due to
"too few mentions."  Note that the total number of mentions prior to 1988
(1974-1986 inclusive) appears in parentheses following the text of the
'retired' code.

    CONTINUING CODES (not 'retired'):  For codes unretired or new in 1988, a
code text not followed by a date in brackets indicates the 1988 version of the
code.  The code may have been created at any time 1974-1988; if variations in
code text preceded the 1988 version, texts of earlier versions of code also
appear in parentheses.  * indicates that the code was created in 1974.  Codes
surviving the 1988 review which were created after 1974 have year of
origination in brackets [ ].  Any changes made to text after 1988 are noted
with date of change.  Yearly distributions for years 1974 and later appear at

             AGRICULTURE    (#100-149)       coded 1

          100. FARM ECONOMICS; payment for crops/price of feed/cost of farming
              (1974-1986: FARM ECONOMICS; general reference to payment for
              crops, price of feed, cost of farming, etc.; cattle kill) *

retired. 101. 1974-1986:  Too much being paid to farmers for crops {not
                          #400} (3) *

retired. 102. 1974-1986:  Too little being paid to farmers for crops (not
                          #400} \merged with #100\ (43) *

         103. SUBSIDIES/crop payments/government aid to farmers  (1974-1986:
              FOR subsidies, crop payments/aid to farmers) *

retired. 104. 1974-1986:  AGAINST subsidies/crop payments/aid to farmers (9) *
retired. 109. 1980-1986:  Other specific references to farm economics
                          {including mention of unfavorable economic
                          consequences to farmers from grain embargo of grain
                          sales/shipments to Russia} (43)
              1974-1978:  Other specific references to farm economics  *

         120. WORLD FOOD PROBLEMS; food shortages/starvation/famine (not #406
              or 407)  (1974-1986:  WORLD FOOD PROBLEMS; general reference to
              food stortages/starvation/famine {not #406,407}) *

retired. 121. 1974-1986:  FOR surplus food disposal; providing food to other
                          countries; food programs (19) *
retired. 122. 1974-1986:  AGAINST surplus food disposal; shouldn't provide
                          food to other countries; food programs  (24) *
retired. 129. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to surplus food
                          distribution (4) *
retired. 145. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to farm labor supply (1) *
retired. 147. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to NON-ECONOMIC FARM
                          PROBLEMS/PROGRAMS {not dealing with economics} (3) *
retired. 148. 1974-1986:  Generally FOR other specific farm/agricultural
                          programs/legislation/expenditures (1) *
retired. 149. 1974-1986:  Generally AGAINST other specific farm/agricultural
                          programs/legislation/expenditure (1) *

         ECONOMIC & BUSINESS PROBLEMS    (#400-499)       coded 2

Note:  If R mentions both "inflation" (#400) and rise in prices of
specific items (#407-409), code "inflation".   (SEE ALSO #496)

         400. INFLATION; rate of inflation; level of prices; cost of living
              (1974-1986:  INFLATION; general reference to inflation; high
              prices; high cost of living) *

         401. WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS/GUIDELINES; freezing prices; control of
              business profits   (1974-1986:  FOR wage and/or price
              guidelines; wage and/or price controls, freezing prices; control
              of business profits) *

retired. 402. 1974-1986:  AGAINST wage and/or price controls; against control
                          of business profits (6) *

         403. High price of food, all mentions (exc. #100) *

         404. High price of other specific items and services *

         405. MINIMUM WAGE, any mention; any mention of wage levels
              (1974-1986: MINIMUM WAGE, any mention) *

retired. 406. 1974-1986:  SHORTAGES--gen. reference {exc.#120}, NA what;
              phony shortages; people wasteful (22) *

         407. FOOD SHORTAGES; economic aspects of food shortages, e.g., price
              of sugar (other references, code #120) *

         408. FUEL SHORTAGES; "energy crisis"; oil companies making excessive
              profits; depressed condition of the oil industry  (1974-1986:
              Fuel shortages; "energy crisis"; oil companies making excessive
              profits) *

retired. 409. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to shortages (8) *

         410. RECESSION, DEPRESSION; prosperity of the nation; economic
              growth; GNP (1976-1986:  RECESSION, DEPRESSION; general
              reference, prosperity of the nation, economic growth) (1974:
              RECESSION, DEPRESSION; general reference) *

         411. MONETARY RESTRAINTS/CONTROLS; level of interest rates;
              availability of money/the money supply (1974-1986:  MONETARY
              RESTRAINTS/CONTROLS; general reference to interest rates etc.) *

retired. 412. 1974-1986:  FOR loosening monetary restraints; for lowering
                          interest rates \merged with #411\ (161) *
retired. 413. 1974-1986:  AGAINST loosening of monetary restraints; high
                          interest rates (10) *
retired. 414. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} government spending; other
                          {specific} government stimulation of the economy,
                          e.g. work programs {not #412} (17) *

         415. AGAINST (increased) government spending; balancing of the
              (national) budget; against government stimulation of the
              economy; the size of the budget deficit [1984]  (1974-1982:
              AGAINST {increased} government spending; balancing of the
              {national} budget; against government stimulation of the
              economy) *

         416. TAXES; general reference to tax structure; tax surcharge (NA R's
              direction); tax reform; other specific tax reference
              (1974-1986:  TAXES; general reference to tax structure; tax
              surcharge {NA R's direction}; other specific tax reference) *

         417. FOR tax cuts; against tax surcharge; for tax reform  (1974-1986:
              FOR tax cuts; against tax surcharge) *

         418. AGAINST tax cuts; for tax surcharge; against tax reform
              (1974-1986: AGAINST tax cuts; for tax surcharge) *

retired. 419. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to recession/depression;
                          other specific references to monetary/fiscal
                          controls (36) *
retired. 420. 1974-1986:  Construction/housing; all references to housing
                          starts, construction costs, etc. (20) *
retired. 421. 1974-1986:  Business profits are {too} high (6) *
retired. 422. 1974-1986:  Business profits are not {too} high (2)  *
retired. 423. 1974-1986:  Prices are declining, wholesale or retail--any
                          mention; optimistic economic indications (2) *

         424. PRODUCTIVITY of American industry; "giving a day's work for a
              day's pay"; revitalizing American industry (1980-1986:
              Increased productivity of American industry; "a day's work for
              a day's pay"; revitalize American industry

         425. STOCK MARKET/ GOLD PRICES; all references to gold prices, stock
              brokers, stock fluctuations, etc. *

retired. 426. 1974-1986:  Gold outflow; control of foreign investments made
                          by U.S. companies/citizens (10) *

         427. VALUE OF THE DOLLAR; strength/weakness of the dollar against
              other currencies (1976-1986:  Devaluation of the dollar)

retired. 430. 1974-1986:  Anti-trust laws; protection of small businesses;
                          general reference to anti- trust laws/legislation
                          (3) *
retired. 431. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} prosecution under anti-trust laws;
                          protection of small businesses from discount houses,
                          chains, large corporations; fair trade laws (4) *
retired. 432. 1974-1986:  AGAINST prosecution under anti-trust laws;
                          {additional} control of business, stifling of
                          individual initiative/free enterprise (5) *

         433. Large businesses taking over small businesses *

retired. 434. 1974-1986:  Small businesses holding their own (7) *

         440. Class oriented economic concerns--middle class, working class
              (pro); middle class getting squeezed [1976]

         441. Class oriented economic concerns--big business, monied interests
              (anti) too powerful [1976]

         442. Concern for inequitable distribution of wealth; gap between the
              rich and the poor; concentration of wealth in the hands of a few
              (1978-1986: Concern for inequitable distribution of wealth)

retired. 450. 1974-1986:  Trend toward socialism; general reference--NA
                          R's direction (11) *

         451. FOR the regulation of interstate commerce, transportation, air
              travel, railways, government auto safety regulations; in favor
              of increased  government regulation of business; mention of
              problems caused by deregulation [1989] (1974-1988: For the
              regulation of interstate commerce, transportation, air travel,
              railways, government auto safety regulations; in favor of
              increased government regulation of business) *

         452. AGAINST (increased) regulation of interstate commerce,
              transportation;  AIR TRAVEL, RAILWAYS, etc. *

         453. Solvency/stability/regulation/control of the nation's FINANCIAL
              INSTITUTIONS [1988].  Savings and Loan scandal [1990]

retired. 454. 1974-1986:  AGAINST the regulation of communication; control
                          of content of the media; control of media channels
                          (1) *
retired. 459. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to government control,
                          trends toward socialism (12) *

         460. IMMIGRATION POLICY; establishing limits on how many people from
              any one nation can enter the U.S.; prohibiting specified types
              of persons from entering the U.S.  1974-1986:  IMMIGRATION
              POLICY; general reference) *

retired. 461. 1974-1986:  FOR immigration policy; against open immigration
                          merged with #460\ (80) *

         463. Problems relating to the influx of political/economic refugees
              (Cubans, Haitians, Mexicans, etc.) [1980]

retired. 469. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to immigration
                          policies (17) *
retired. 470. 1974-1986:  CONSUMER PROTECTION; general reference (3) *

retired. 471. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} consumer protection legislation;
                          truth in labelling, packaging, lending; control of
                          medicines; poisons, harmful products; no fault
                          insurance (2) *

retired. 475. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} auto, highway, airplane safety (3) *

retired. 476. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} auto, highway, airplane
                          safety (1) *

retired. 480. 1974-1986:  MASS TRANSPORTATION; general reference (6) *
retired. 481. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} mass transportation; mass
                          transportation legislation/expenditures (5) *

retired. 483. 1978-1986:  Control of public utilities; utility rates (12)

retired. 484. 1978-1986:  Roads, highways, bridges; general unspecified
                          transportation (10)
retired. 489. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to mass transportation
                          (1) *

retired. 490. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to economic problems
                          \merged with #499\ (73) *

         491. Economics--general; "Economics"--NFS [1980] (1974-1978:

         492. International economics--general [1976]

         493. U.S. foreign trade, balance of payments position; foreign oil
              dependency [1978] (1976: U.S. foreign trade, balance of payments

         494. Control of FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN U.S.; mention of foreigners
              buying U.S. assets (businesses, real estate, stocks, etc) [1990]
              (1988: Control of foreign investment in U.S.; limitation of
              foreign imports; restriction  on foreign car products; general
              reference to problems of automobile industry; imposition of
              tariffs/reciprocal restrictions on foreign imports) (1982-1986:
              Control of foreign investment in U.S.; limitation of foreign
              imports; restriction on foreign car imports; general reference
              to problems of automobile industry)  (1978-1980: Control of
              foreign investment in U.S.)

         495. PROTECTION OF U.S. INDUSTRIES; imposition of tariffs/reciprocal
              restrictions on foreign imports; limitation of foreign imports;
              mention of problems in specific industries competing with
              foreign manufacturers [1990] (1974-1988: Other specific consumer
              protection problems.) *

         496. THE ECONOMY--not further specified (code specific mention if R
              clarifies by saying "inflation", etc.; also see #400) [1980]
              [Note: category #496 was added due to the great increase in the
              number of unqualified responses of the "economy." Prior to 1980,
              such non-specific responses (fewer in number) were assumed to be
              references to the inflation problem and were coded as #400]

         497. International competitiveness; outsourcing; loss of jobs to
              foreign competition; moving jobs abroad; modernizing
              plants/equipment/management techniques to meet foreign
              competition; matching the quality of foreign good. (1986:
              International competitiveness; outsourcing; loss of jobs
              to foreign competition; moving job abroad).

         498. Mention of "twin problems" of a large national debt/budget
              deficit and unfavorable balance of trade/import-export ratio.

         499. Other specific mention economic or business problems [1988]

        FOREIGN AFFAIRS     (#500-599, 700-799 exc.760-769)     coded 3

         500. FOREIGN RELATIONS/FOREIGN AFFAIRS; foreign policy/relations,
              prestige abroad (1974-1976: FOREIGN RELATIONS/FOREIGN AFFAIRS;
              general reference to foreign relations/affairs, prestige
              abroad) *

         504. Relations with the Third World (no specific country or region
              mentioned) [1986]

         505. Relations with WESTERN EUROPE; Great Britain, France, Germany;
              our allies (1974-1986: Relations with WESTERN EUROPE; Great
              Britain, France, Germany; our allies--general mention) *

retired. 506. 1974-1986:  FOR better relations with Western Europe
                          \merged with #505\ (10) *
retired. 507. 1974-1986:  AGAINST better relations with Western
                          Europe (1) *

retired. 509. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to Western Europe (5)*

         510. VIETNAM; general reference to "the war," Indochina, Cambodia;
              aid *

retired. 512. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} aid to Indochina, Vietnam,
                          Cambodia (1) *
retired. 513. 1974-1986:  CUBA; any references (8) *

         514. Latin America, South America--any references; reference to
              war/situation in Nicaragua; U.S. support of the Contras (1986:
              Latin America, South America--any references {reference to
              war/situation in Nicaragua/Contras}) (1984:  Latin America,
              South America--any references {reference to war/situation in
              Nicaragua}) (1974-1982: Latin America, South America--any
              references) *

         515. Iran; mention of American hostages in Teheran; arms deal [1986]
              [Note: in 1986 and 1988, the response "Iran-Contra" was coded as
              #514,515 or two consecutive codes] (1980-1982:  Iran; mention of
              American hostages in Teheran)

         516. African countries; developing areas in Africa--any mention; U.S.
              response to apartheid in South Africa (1986:  African countries;
              developing areas in Africa--any mention)

retired. 517. 1974-1986:  Asian countries--any mention {not #510,520} (8) *

         519. Other specific countries/areas/trouble spots (exc.#520-539)
              [1989] (1974-1988:  Other foreign countries/areas/specific
              trouble spots {exc.#520-539}) *

retired. 520. 1974-1986:  COMMUNIST CHINA; general reference (7) *
retired. 521. 1974-1986:  FOR peaceful relations with Communist China;
                          increased aid/trade with Communist China  (5) *
retired. 522. 1974-1986:  AGAINST a policy of peaceful relations with
                          Communist China; against increased aid/trade with
                          Communist China (2) *

         524. MIDDLE EAST-- support or aid to Israel/Arab states; Arab/Israeli
              conflict; Iran-Iraq war; hostages in Lebanon/Middle East. Iraqi
              aggression in the Persian Gulf [1990] (1989:  MIDDLE EAST--
              support or aid to Israel/Arab states; Arab/Israeli conflict;
              Iran-Iraq war; hostages in Lebanon/Middle East) (1988:  MIDDLE
              EAST-- support or aid to  Israel/Arab states; Arab/Israeli
              conflict; Iran-Iraq war {not #525,526, or #527}) (1980-1986:
              MIDDLE EAST-- general reference, including Arab/Israeli conflict
              and Iran-Iraq war {not #525,526 or #527}) (1974-1978:  MIDDLE
              EAST-- general reference, including Arab/Israeli conflict {not
              #525,526 or #527}) *

retired. 525. 1974-1986:  Support of policy favoring ISRAEL; increased
                          aid to Israel; against support of Arab states)
                          \merged with #524\ (5) *

retired. 526. 1974-1986:  Support of policy favoring ARAB STATES; increased
                          aid to Arab states; against {increased} support of
                          Israel \merged with #524\ (8) *
retired. 527. 1974-1986:  Mention of other problems or specific country in
                          the Middle East {not #524-526} \merged with #524\
                          (47) *
retired. 529. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to Communist China (4) *

         530. RUSSIA/Eastern Europe; relations with Russia/the Communist bloc;
              detente/trade/negotiations with Russia -- NA whether #531 or
              #532 (1974-1986:  RUSSIA; general reference to Russia {USSR},
              Eastern Europe, detente) *

         531. For PEACEFUL RELATIONS with Russia/Detente/Eastern Europe; for
              increased TRADE with Russia; talking/resuming negotiations with
              Russia on arms control/reduction (reaching/concluding a treaty
              is #711) [1984] (1974-1982:  For PEACEFUL RELATIONS with
              Russia/Detente/Eastern Europe; for increased TRADE with
              Russia) *

         532. Against policy of Detente with Russia; COLD WAR; threat of
              external Communism; need to oppose/be wary of Russia
              (1974-1986:  AGAINST policy of Detente with Russia; COLD WAR;
              threat of external Communism) *

         533. Prevention of Russian (Communist) expansion; mention of Soviet
              invasion and occupation of Afghanistan-- any reference;
              references to Soviet activity in Central America/Nicaragua)
              (1984-1986:  Prevention of Russian {Communist} expansion;
              mention of Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan--any
              reference {1984--references to Soviet activity in Central
              America/Nicaragua}) (1980-1982:  Prevention of Russian
              {Communist} expansion; mention of Soviet invasion and occupation
              of  Afghanistan--any reference) (1974-1978:  Prevention of
              Russian {Communist} expansion) *

         539. Other specific references to Russia/Detente/Eastern Europe, etc.
              (including changing site/boycotting 1980 Moscow Olympics);
              threat of/preventing war with Russia (exc.#714) (1980-1982:
              Other specific references to Russia/Detente/Eastern Europe, etc.
              {including changing site/boycotting 1980 Moscow olympics})
              (1974-1978:  Other specific references to Russia/Detente/Eastern
              Europe etc.) *

         540. FIRMNESS IN FOREIGN POLICY; maintenance of position of
              MILITARY/DIPLOMATIC STRENGTH (not #710-712) (1974-1986:
              FIRMNESS IN FOREIGN POLICY; any reference to maintenance of
              position of MILITARY/DIPLOMATIC STRENGTH {exc.#551; not
              #710-712}) *

              U.S. Foreign involvement; military assistance/aid (exc. #524)
              general reference to extent of U.S. foreign involvement;
              MILITARY assistance/aid {exc.#510 and #524}) *

retired. 551. 1974-1986:  FOR increased foreign {military} involvement;
                          for increased {military} committment {exc.
                          #525,526,540} (8) *

retired. 552. 1974-1986:  AGAINST increased foreign involvement; against
                          increased {military} committment {exc.#512, 525,526}
                          \merged with #550\ (105) *
retired. 559. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to foreign military
                          involvement/committment (10) *

              U.S. {foreign} economic aid; "foreign aid" (1974-1986:  U.S.
              FOREIGN {ECONOMIC} INVOLVEMENT/COMMITMENTS; general reference
              to extent of U.S. {foreign} economic aid) *

retired. 561. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} U.S. economic involvement;
                          foreign economic aid programs; "foreign aid"
                          {exc.#520-529} (13) *

retired. 562. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} U.S. economic involvement;
                          foreign economic aid programs; "foreign aid" \merged
                          with #560\ (149) *
retired. 569. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to U.S. {economic}
                          foreign aid (18) *

         570. Prevention of war; ESTABLISHMENT OF PEACE; any reference *

retired. 580. 1974-1986:  General reference to relation with the UNITED
                          NATIONS (3) *
retired. 582. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} support of United Nations (1) *

         585. Obligation to TAKE CARE OF PROBLEMS AT HOME before helping
              foreign countries *

retired. 590. 1974-1986:  Other specific foreign affairs problems/items
                          \merged with #599\ (68) *

         599. Other specific mention of foreign affairs problems [1988]

         700. NATIONAL DEFENSE; defense budget; level of spending on defense
              (1978-1986:  NATIONAL DEFENSE; general reference; defense
              budget) (1974-1976:  NATIONAL DEFENSE; general reference) *

         710. DISARMAMENT; general reference to ENDING OF THE ARMS RACE;
              nuclear proliferation; test ban treaty (not #540); SALT; INF
              treaty (1980-1986:  DISARMAMENT; general reference to ENDING OF
              THE ARMS RACE; nuclear proliferation; test ban treaty {not
              #540}; SALT) (1974-1978: DISARMAMENT; general reference to
              ENDING OF THE ARMS RACE; nuclear proliferation; test ban treaty
              {not #540}) *

         711. For DISARMAMENT; for extension of test ban treaty; support
              toward ending of arms race; against (additional) expenditures on
              military/arms development; SALT; SDI ("Star Wars"); INF treaty
              (1986:  For DISARMAMENT; for extension of test ban treaty;
              support toward ending of arms race; against {addtional}
              expenditures on military/arms development; SALT; SDI {"Star
              Wars"}) (1986:  For DISARMAMENT; for extension of test ban
              treaty; support toward ending of arms race; against {addtional}
              expenditures on military/arms development; SALT; SDI {"Star
              Wars"}) (1980-1984: For DISARMAMENT; for extension of test ban
              treaty; support toward ending of arms race; against {additional}
              expenditures on military/arms development; SALT) (1974-1978:
              For DISARMAMENT; for extension of test ban treaty; support
              toward ending of arms racel; against {additional} expenditures
              on military/arms development) *

         712. Against (increased) policy of DISARMAMENT; against test ban
              treaty; for additional WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT; missile program;
              scientific/technological development in weapons/strategy; atomic
              bomb testing; increased DEFENSE BUDGET, increased arms
              expenditure (not #540); SALT; increased pay for military
              personnel; SDI ("Star Wars"); INF treaty (1986: Against
              {increased} policy of DISARMAMENT; against test ban treaty; for
              additional WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT; missile program; scientific/
              technological development in weapons/strategy; atomic bomb
              testing; increased DEFENSE BUDGET, increased arms expenditure
              {not #540}; SALT; increased pay for military personnel; SDI
              {"Star Wars"}) (1980-1984:  Against {increased} policy of
              DISARMAMENT; against test ban treaty; for additional WEAPONS
              DEVELOPMENT; missile program; scientific/technological
              development in weapons/strategy; atomic bomb testing; increased
              DEFENSE BUDGET, increased arms expenditure {not #540}; SALT;
              increased pay formilitary personnel) (1974-1978: Against
              {increased} policy of DISARMAMENT; against test ban treaty;
              for additional WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT; missile program; scientific/
              technological development in weapons/strategy; atomic bomb
              testing; increased DEFENSE BUDGET, increased arms expenditure
              {not #540}) *

         713. General or specific references to functioning and performance of
              defense; waste, inefficiency (not codable in #710-712) [1976]

         714. Nuclear war; the threat of nuclear war [1984]

retired. 719. 1984-1986:  Other specific references to the arms race/
                          disarmament; putting missiles in space \merged with
                          #710,711,714\ (42) 1974-1982: Other specific
                          references to the arms race/disarmament *

retired. 730. 1974-1986:  General reference to THE DRAFT; selective service
                          system; universal conscription (5) *
retired. 731. 1974-1986:  FOR reinstatement of the draft (10) *
retired. 732. 1974-1986:  AGAINST reinstatement of the draft (1) *
retired. 734. 1974-1986:  AMNESTY; general reference to amnesty for draft
                          dodgers/Ford's plan (2) *
retired. 736. 1974-1986:  AGAINST amnesty for draft dodgers/Ford's plan (2) *

         740. The space program; space race (not #711,712) [1986] (1974-1984:
              SPACE RACE; any mention) *

         750. MORALE OF NATION; Patriotism; National spirit; national unity;
              greed, selfishness of people *

     760-769: SEE code 9 (Social Welfare) EXCEPT:  765 (code 7)

retired. 770. 1974-1986:  Influence of military; civilian control of military;
                          defense management--any mention (7) *

retired. 790. 1974-1986:  Other specific national defense items \merged with
                          #799\ (15) *

         799. Other specific mention of national defense problems [1988]

         FUNCTIONING OF GOVERNMENT    (#800-899)       coded 4

         800. POWER OF THE (FEDERAL) GOVERNMENT; power of/control exercised
              by the federal government (1974-1986:  POWER OF THE {FEDERAL}
              GOVERNMENT; general reference, NA specificity) *

retired. 801. 1986:  GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF INFORMATION; secrecy; news
                     management; over- classification of information--any
                     mention {renumbered from #805} (5, for #801/805)

retired. 805. 1974-1986:  GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF INFORMATION; secrecy; news
                          management; over- classification of
                          information--any mention (see above) *

              GOVERNMENT--general reference (exc. #811) *

         811. LACK OF PERSONAL ETHICS/morality of persons related to or part
              of government *

retired. 815. 1974-1986:  {News} Media bias; slanting/twisting of the news
                          (13) *
retired. 819. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to honesty/ethics
                          in government (8) *


         830. CONFIDENCE/TRUST in political leaders/system; wisdom, ability,
              responsiveness of political leaders; quality of leadership
              provided by political leaders (1974-1986:  CONFIDENCE/TRUST in
              political leaders/system--general reference) *

retired. 831. 1974-1986:  INCREASED confidence/trust in political leaders/
                          system, wisdom, ability, general representativeness
                          of political leaders, Congressmen, Supreme Court
                          (6) *

retired. 832. 1974-1986:  DECREASED confidence/trust in political leaders/
                          system, little wisdom, ability, general
                          representativeness of political leaders,
                          Congressmen,  Supreme Court; need for better
                          politicians/political system \merged with #830\
                          (171) *

         833. QUALITY/EFFICIENCY of public employees, diplomats, civil
              (1974-1986:  QUALITY/EFFICIENCY; general reference to the
              quality of public employees, diplomats, civil service,

retired. 834. 1974-1986:  INCREASED quality/efficiency of public employees,
                          diplomats, civil service; need for large government
                          bureaucracy; increase cost of government (3) *
retired. 835. 1974-1986:  DECREASED quality/efficiency of public employees,
                          dipolmats, civil service; decrease government
                          bureaucracy; decrease cost of government \merged
                          with #833\ (33) *

         836. COMPENSATION; all references to the compensation of government
              employees, officials, congressmen, judges, local politicians/
              bureaucrats *

         837. Waste in government spending; keeping tabs on where money goes

         838. Government BUDGET PRIORITIES are wrong; Congress/President is
              spending money in the wrong areas/not spending money on the
              right things [1990]

         840. SIZE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT; the (large) size of government/civil
              service/bureaucracy; the number of government departments/
              employees/programs (1974-1986:  SIZE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT; gen.
              reference to the {large} size of government/civil service/
              bureaucracy) *

retired. 841. 1974-1986:  FOR a more powerful {federal} government; less state
                          rights; increased centralism (1) *
retired. 842. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} power of the {federal}
                          government; more states rights; federal government
                          is too powerful vis a vis states \merged with #840\
                          (35) *

retired. 849. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to the size of the
                          government vis a vis states (3) *
retired. 850. 1974-1986:  POWER OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE; power of the
                          President -- general reference (5) *
retired. 851. 1974-1986:  FOR {greater} Presidential power (2) *
retired. 852. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {greater} Presidential power (1) *

         853. POWER OF CONGRESS--general reference *

retired. 854. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} Congressional power; Congress
                          should do more, take more initiative (5) *
retired. 855. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} Congressional power (4) *

         856. POWER OF THE SUPREME COURT, all other references to the Supreme
              Court exc. #858 *

retired. 858. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} role by the Supreme Court (3) *

         859. Other specific references to the (federal) balance of power *

         862. FAIR ELECTION PROCEDURES; prevention of vote manipulation;
              curbing of political "bosses", smear campaigns *

         869. Other specific references to problems of representation *

retired. 870. 1974-1986:  CAPABILITY/OTHER QUALITIES {pertaining to the
                          representativeness} OF POLITICAL LEADERS,
                          Congressmen, judges {exc.Watergate} (38) *

retired. 871. 1974-1986:  Government/politician catering to special/
                          pressure groups; lack of devotion to general
                          welfare; LACK OF SERVICE TO ALL THE PEOPLE;
                          lobbying; lobbyist (48) *

retired. 872. 1982-1986:  PRESIDENT REAGAN; general reference to Reagan's
                          style/quality (9) 1978-1980:  PRESIDENT CARTER;
                          general reference to Carter's style/quality
                          1974-1976:  PRESIDENT FORD; general reference to
                          Fords' style/quality *

retired. 873. 1982-1986:  Pro-Reagan comments, complimentary comments
                          regarding quality & style of the president (8)
                          1978-1980: Pro-Carter comments, complimentary
                          comments regarding quality & style of the president
                          1974-1976:  Pro-Ford comments, complimentary
                          comments regarding quality & style of the
                          president *

         874. Lack of support for the President; any anti-President comments,
              negative reference to the PRESIDENT's quality, style, etc.
              (1982-1986:  Lack of support for Reagan; any anti-Reagan
              comments, negative reference to Reagan's quality, style, etc.)
              (1978-1980: Lack of support for Carter; any anti-Carter
              comments, negative reference to Reagan's quality, style, etc.)
              (1974-1976: Lack of support for Ford; any anti-Ford comments,
              negative reference to Reagan's quality, style, etc.) *

retired. 875. 1980-1986:  Incumbent Congressman: mentions relating to
                          appraisals of incumbent's performance or experience
                          {including voting record, seniority, experience} (2)

retired. 876. 1980-1986:  Mentions relating to candidate differences
                          rooted in personal qualities, party affiliations or
                          ideological problems (3)

         878. Mention of a specific CANDIDATE or relative of a candidate --
              NFS [1988]

retired. 879. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to quality of
                          political leaders (9) *

retired. 880. 1974-1986:  DEMOCRATIC LANDSLIDE; all references to unequal
                          representation of parties/constituents in Congress
                          (7) *

         881. New president/administration getting started; other references
              specific to the President [1980] (1978:  New President/new
              administration getting started) (1976:  President Carter --new
              administration getting started; other specific Carter mentions)

retired. 882. 1978-1986:  Issues pertaining to the district economy; federal
                          spending in the district, in general or for specific
                          projects (15)

         885. PUBLIC APATHY/disinterest--all references *

retired. 886. 1976-1986:  Getting people {back} together; unity of our
                          people (35)
retired. 890. 1974-1986:  Other specific issues relating to the functioning of
                          the government \merged with #899\  (82) *

         887. Extending/protecting EQUAL RIGHTS, baisc freedoms, human rights
              of all citizens [1990]

         899. Other specific mention of problems relating to the functioning
              of government [1988]


         200. LABOR/UNION PROBLEMS; union practices; job security provided
              workers; job safety issues; working conditions (1974-1986:
              LABOR/UNION PROBLEMS; general reference to union practices) *

retired. 201. 1974-1986:  ANTI-UNION; protection of workers from unions;
                          right to work laws; democracy in unions; elimination
                          of racketeers/ communists in unions; financial
                          accoutability of union officials; anti- union
                          legislation (29) *

retired. 202. 1974-1986:  SUPPORT OF UNIONS; vis a vis employers; freedom
                          to strike; permission for closed shop; pro-union
                          legislation (4) *

retired. 209. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to labor/union problems
                          (11) *

retired. 210. 1974-1986:  {ARBITRATION OF} LABOR MANAGEMENT DISPPUTES; general
                          reference to strikes/ walkouts, binding
                          arbitration (14) *
retired. 211. 1974-1986:  FOR arbitration of labor management disputes;
                          central prevention of strikes/ binding arbitration
                          (9) *
retired. 212. 1974-1986:  AGAINST arbitration of labor managment disputes; in
                          favor of strikes {as tactic} (1) *
retired. 219. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to {arbitration of} labor
                          management disputes (4) *

         220. Anti-union; unions too powerful [1976]

retired. 290. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to labor problems (14) *

         299. Other specific mention of labor or union-management problems

          NATURAL RESOURCES    (#150-199)       coded 6

         150. CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES; conservation, ecology;
              protecting the environment/endangered species (1974-1986:
              CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES; general reference to
              conservation, ecology; the environment in  general) *

         151. Controlling/REGULATING GROWTH or land development; banning
              further growth/development in crowded or ecologically sensitive
              areas; preserving natural areas [1990] (1974-1988:  FOR
              conservation programs; additional legislation for controlling
              pollution, water and air; in favor of legilative solutions for
              environmental problems) *

retired. 152. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {additional or increased} conservation
                          programs; against legislation for controlling
                          water and air pollution; against legislative or
                          forced solutions for environmental problems  (7) *

         153. POLLUTION; clean air/water (1976-1986:  Pollution {no specific
              program mentioned, not codeable in #151,152}
         154. Disposal of RADIOACTIVE/TOXIC waste (dumps, landfills)
              (1982-1986: Disposal of radioactive waste {dumps, landfills})
              (1980: Disposal of nuclear waste {dumps, landfills})

retired. 159. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to conservation/ natural
                          resources {not #160-169} (38) *

              canals, irrigation, flood control, navigation, reclamation;
              location, mining, stock-piling of minerals; water power, atomic
              power; development of alternative sources of energy (includes
              mentions of solar or nuclear power) (1980-1986:  DEVELOPMENT OF
              NATURAL RESOURCES; general reference to harbors, dams, canals,
              irrigation, flood control, navigation, reclamation; location,
              mining, stockpiling of minerals; water power, atomic power;
              development of alternative sources of energy {includes mentions
              of solar or nuclear power}) (1974-1978:  DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL
              RESOURCES; general reference to harbors, dams, canals,
              irrigation, flood control, navigation, reclamation; location,
              mining, stockpiling of minerals; water power, atomic power;
              development of alternative sources of energy) *

retired. 161. 1980-1986:  FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES {not #151};
                          need to develop alternative sources of energy
                          {mentions of solar or nuclear power} \merged with
                          #160\ (66)
              1974-1978:  FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES {not #151};
                          need to develop alternative sources of energy *

retired. 162. 1980-1986:  AGAINST {additional or increased} DEVELOPMENT
                          OF NATURAL RESOURCES; high cost of development of
                          natural resources to the environment {not #152};
                          against programs to develop alternative sources of
                          energy {includes mentions of solar or nuclear
                          power} (13) 1974-1978:  FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL
                          RESOURCES {not #151}; need to develop alternative
                          sources of energy *

retired. 169. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to the development of
                          natural resources (7) *
retired. 190. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to other natural
                          resources problems (6) *

         199. Other specific mentions of agriculture or natural resources
              problems [1988]

         PUBLIC ORDER PROBLEMS    (#045,046, 320-399)     coded 7

         045. PRO-ABORTION; pro-choice; the right of a woman to control her
              body (1974-1986:  PRO-ABORTION) *

         046. ANTI-ABORTION; pro-life; "abortion"--NFS (1974-1986:
              ANTI-ABORTION) *

retired. 049. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to abortion \merged with
                          #046\ (27) *

         320. NARCOTICS; availability of drugs; extent of drug/alcohol
              addiction in the U.S.; interdiction of drugs coming to the U.S.
              from foreign countries; alcohol or drug related crime
              (1974-1986:  NARCOTICS; general reference to drugs; drug
              addiction; pep pills, LSD, marijuana) *

retired. 321. 1974-1986:  AGAINST use of narcotics, LSD, marijuana, alcohol,
                          etc. \merged with #320\ (90) *
retired. 329. 1974-1986:  Other specific mention of narcotics/drugs/alcohol,
                          etc. \merged with #320\ (28) *

         330. WOMEN'S RIGHTS; references to women's issues; economic equality
              for women; ERA (1974-1986:  WOMEN'S RIGHTS/LIBERATION; general
              reference) *

retired. 331. 1974-1986:  PRO women's rights/liberation; for ERA \merged
                          with #330\ (21) *
retired. 332. 1974-1986:  ANTI women's rights/liberation; against ERA
                          \merged with #330\ (23) *
retired. 339. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to women's rights/
                          liberation (11) *

         340. CRIME/VIOLENCE; too much crime; streets aren't safe; mugging,
              murder, shoplifting; drug related crime [1989] (1988:
              CRIME/VIOLENCE; too much crime; streets aren't safe; mugging,
              murder, shoplifting) (1974-1986:  CRIME/VIOLENCE; general
              reference to crime) *

retired. 341. 1974-1986:  Too much crime; streets aren't safe; mugging,
                          murder, shoplifting \merged with #340\  (113) *

retired. 342. 1974-1986:  JUVENILE DELINQUENCY; any mention {not #320-329,383}
                          (15) *
retired. 350. 1974-1986:  CIVIL LIBERTIES; general reference to rights of
                          accused, freedom of speech, etc. (10) *
retired. 351. 1974-1986:  FOR {expansion of} civil rights/rights of accused/
                          freedom of speech, etc. (6) *
retired. 352. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {expansion of} civil rights/rights of
                          accused/freedom of speech, etc. (10) *
retired. 359. 1976-1986:  General or specific references to human rights;
                          "discrimination" {not codeable in #300-304, 330-339}

         360. LAW AND ORDER; respect for the law/police; support for the
              police; death penalty; tougher sentences for criminals; need for
              more prisons [1990] (1988:  LAW AND ORDER; respect for the
              law/police; support for the police; death penalty) (1974-1986:
              LAW AND ORDER; general reference to law/police enforcement) *

retired. 361. 1986:  FOR greater law/police enforcement; pro death penalty
                     \merged with #360\ (62) 1974-1984:  FOR greater
                     law/police enforcement *
retired. 362. 1974-1986:  AGAINST police brutality, police state, wiretapping,
                          etc.; against death penalty (1) *
retired. 364. 1974-1986:  Against STUDENT DISORDERS/DISTURBANCES; riots on
                          campus (1) *

         367. Against unregistered ownership of guns; legislative control of
              guns; "CONTROL OF GUNS"-NFS [1989] (1974-1988:  Against
              unregistered ownership of guns; legislative control of guns;
              "CONTROL OF GUNS") *

         368. For gun ownership; right to have guns; against gun control *

retired. 369. 1974-1986:  Specific mention of "law and order" (10) *

        370. EXTREMIST GROUPS/TERRORISTS; terrorist bombings/hostage-taking;
             political subversives; revolutionary ideas/approaches (1986:
             General mention of extremist groups; terrorists; terrorist
             bombings; political subversives; revolutionary ideas/approaches,
             NA direction) (1974-1984:  General mention of extremist groups;
             terrorists; terrorist bombings; terrorist hijackings; political
             subversives; revolutionary ideas/approaches, NA direction) *

retired. 372. 1974-1986:  Against extremist groups; terrorists; subversives
                          {exc.#373,374} (16) *
retired. 373. 1974-1986:  Against Arab terroritsts; PLO (2) *
retired. 374. 1986:  Terrorist hijacking; terrorist hostage-taking \merged
                     with #370\ (29) 1974-1984:  Terrorist hijacking *
retired. 379. 1974-1986:  Other specific mention of terrorist groups/
                           subversives (5) *

         380. General mention of MORAL/RELIGIOUS DECAY (of nation); sex, bad
              language, adult themes on TV [1984] (1974-1982:  General mention
              of MORAL/RELIGIOUS DECAY {of nation}) *

         381. Family problems--divorce; proper treatment of children; decay of
              family (except #006) (1976-1986:  Family problems--divorce;
              proper treatment of children; decay of family)

         383. Problems of/with YOUNG PEOPLE; drug/alcohol abuse among young
              people; sexual attitudes; lack of values/discipline; mixed-up
              thinking; lack of goals/ambition/sense of responsibility [1989]
              (1974-1988:  YOUNG PEOPLE {exc.#361}; general reference to
              drinking {exc.#321}, sexual freedom, discipline, mixed-up
              thinking, "hippies;" communication with young, etc.) *

         384. Religion (too) mixed up in politics; prayer in school
              (1984-1986: Religion {too} mixed up in politics)

retired. 390. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to public order problems
                          \merged with #399\ (96) *
retired. 395. 1974-1986:  Control of {internal} communist threat; communists
                          (34) *

         385. HOMOSEXUALITY; protecting civil rights of gays and lesbians;
              accepting the lifestyle of homosexuals; granting homosexual
              couples the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples

         399. Other specific mention of racial or public order problems; other
              mention of domestic issues [1988]
         765. Allowing/accepting gays in the military [1992]

              RACIAL PROBLEMS    (#300-304)     coded 8

         300. CIVIL RIGHTS/RACIAL PROBLEMS; programs to enable Blacks to gain
              social/economic/educational/political equality; relations
              between Blacks and whites (1974-1986:  CIVIL RIGHTS/RACIAL
              PROBLEMS; general or vague reference in which R's personal
              perspective is unclear; NA R's perspective) *

retired. 301. 1974-1986:  Protection of {expansion of} CIVIL RIGHTS OF BLACKS;
                          housing integration; fair employment practices;
                          right to vote; fair treatment by police (32) *

         302. PROTECTION (expansion) OF WHITE MAJORITY; maintenance of
              segregation; right to choose own neighborhood; right to
              discriminate in employment *

retired. 303. 1974-1986:  Protection {expansion} of civil rights to other
                          {or all} MINORITY GROUPS (12) *

304. Discrimination against whites; preferred treatment given to minorities *

retired. 310. 1974-1986:  BUSING; general reference (31) *
retired. 311. 1974-1986:  PRO-BUSING; school integration (13) *
retired. 312. 1974-1986:  ANTI-BUSING; maintenance of segregated schools (6) *
retired. 317. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to civil rights/racial
                          problems (13) *

retired. 319. 1974-1986:  AGAINST other specific programs/proposals/
                          legislation for {extending} civil rights (2) *

       SOCIAL WELFARE   (#001-099,760-769 exc.045,046)  coded 9

         001. General reference to domestic issues; repairing/maintaining
              nation's infrastructure (roads, bridges, dams, etc) (1974-1986:
              General reference to domestic issues) *

         005. POPULATION; any mention of population increase; reference to
              over-population/birth control *

         006. DAY CARE; child care [1988]

         010. UNEMPLOYMENT; the number of people with jobs; unemployment
              rate/compensation; job retraining (1974-1986:  UNEMPLOYMENT;
              general reference to employment/unemployment; compensation; job
              retraining, etc.) *

retired. 011. 1974-1986:  FOR increased unemployment compensation;  more or
                          better job retraining; aid to depressed economic
                          areas; government creation of jobs \merged with
                          #010\ (186) *
retired. 012. 1974-1986:  AGAINST increased unemployment compensation;
                          less job retraining no government creation of jobs
                          (8) *

         013. CREATE JOBS/RECRUIT INDUSTRY in specific area/region/state

retired. 019. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to employment/unemployment
                          {not 200-299} (52) *

         020. EDUCATION; financial assistance for schools/colleges/students;
              quality of education/the learning environment/teaching
              (1974-1986: EDUCATION; general reference to financial assistance
              for schools/colleges; quality of education) *

retired. 021. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} aid to education, financial
                          assistance to schools and/or colleges; need for
                          improved school materials; need for better
                          teachers/education \merged with #020\ (102) *

retired. 022. 1974-1986:  AGAINST aid to education (2) *
retired. 029. 1964-1986:  Other specific references to education (49)*

         030. AGED/ELDERLY; social security benefits; administration of social
              security; medical care for the aged; medicare benefits; insuring
              against catastrophic illness (1980-1986:  AGED/ELDERLY; general
              reference to aged; Social Security; Medicare; medical care for
              the aged; administration of Social Security) (1974-1978:
              AGED/ELDERLY; general reference to aged; Social Security;
              Medicare; medical care for the aged) *

retired. 031. 1982-1986:  FOR {increased} assistance to the aged; increased
                          Social Security; for government supported medical
                          care for the aged; "Medicare" \merged with #030\
              1974-1980:  FOR increased assistance to the aged; increased
                          Social Security; for government supported medical
                          care for the aged; "Medicare" *

retired. 032. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} assistance to the aged;
                          against additional Social Security; anti- "Medicare"
                          (13) *

         035. Social Security won't be around in the future; paying into a
              system which won't benefit me/them [1984]

retired. 039. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to the aged (24) *

         040. HEALTH PROBLEMS/COST OF MEDICAL CARE; quality of medical care;
              medical research/training of doctors and other health personnel;
              hospitals; National Health insurance program (1974-1986:  HEALTH
              PROBLEMS; general reference to quality of care; COST OF MEDICAL
              CARE; medical research, training of doctors and other health
              personnel; hospitals; National Health Insurance) *

retired. 041. 1974-1986:  FOR increased {government supported} quality of
                          care more medical research and training of related
                          personnel; for National Health Insurance (48) *

retired. 042. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {government} supported medical care,
                          National Health Insurance, etc. (3) *

retired. 043. 1974-1986:  MENTAL HEALTH care facilities/problems--all
                          references (8) *

         048. Other specific references to health problems; AIDS [1986]
              (1974-1984: Other specific references to health problems) *

         050. HOUSING; providing housing for the poor/homeless; ability of
              young people to afford to buy homes/find homes to buy
              (1974-1986:  HOUSING; general reference {not #054}) *

retired. 051. 1974-1986:  FOR {additional} legislation/expenditures on
                          housing {not #055} (25) *
retired. 052. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {additional} legislation/expenditures
                          on housing (2) *
retired. 054. 1974-1986:  URBAN RENEWAL/PLANNING; general reference to
                          ghettos, slums, urban blight; model cities programs;
                          include general reference to "urban problems" (9) *
retired. 055. 1974-1986:  FOR urban renewal; model cities program; rent
                          subsidies, etc. (3) *
retired. 059. 1974-1986:  Other specific reference to housing and urban
                          problems (15) *

         060. POVERTY; aid to the poor/underprivileged people; help for the
              (truly) needy; welfare programs (such as ADC); general reference
              to anti-poverty programs; hunger/help for hungry people in the
              U.S. (1984-1986:  POVERTY; general reference to poor/
              underprivileged people; welfare programs (such as ADC), general
              reference to anti-poverty programs; hunger/hungry people in the
              U.S.)  (1974-1982: POVERTY; general reference to poor/
              underprivileged people; welfare programs (such as ADC), general
              reference to anti-poverty programs) *

retired. 061. 1984-1986:  FOR {additional} welfare assistance {for help,
                          education/jobs for the poor} {exc.#063}; give {more}
                          aid to hungry people in U.S. \merged with #060\
              1974-1982:  FOR {additional} welfare assistance {for help,
                          education/jobs for the poor} {exc.#063} *
retired. 062. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {additional} welfare assistance {exc.#064}
                          (55) *
retired. 063. 1974-1986:  FOR {additional} welfare assistance SPECIFICALLY TO
                          BLACKS AND OTHER MINORITY GROUPS (4) *
retired. 064. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {additional} welfare assistance SPECIFICALLY
                          MEXICAN-AMERICANS, CHICANOS, PUERTO RICANS, etc.
                          (9) *
retired. 069. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to poverty (38) *

         090. SOCIAL WELFARE PROBLEMS; "welfare"--NFS (1974-1986:  SOCIAL
              WELFARE PROBLEMS; vague or general reference to other social
              welfare problems {exc.#091,092} or other specific reference;
              "welfare") *

         091. For general or other social welfare programs; "we need to help
              people more" *

         092. Against general or other social welfare programs; "too many give
              away programs for the people who don't deserve it" *

         099. Other specific mentions of social welfare problems [1988]

         760. BENEFITS FOR VETERANS; general reference *

retired. 761. 1974-1986:  FOR {increased} benefits for veterans (11) *
retired. 762. 1974-1986:  AGAINST {increased} benefits for veterans (1) *
retired. 769. 1974-1986:  Other specific references to benefits for veterans
                          (5) *

          OTHER      (#000,950-959, 995-999)  coded 0, 97-99

retired. 950. 1974-1986:  WATERGATE/TAPES; general reference to Watergate
                          {exc. #951} (33) * {to 97} retired.  951. 1974-1986:
                          AGAINST government allocation of time/money for
                          Watergate issues; trial too much time spent on
                          Watergate (9) * {to 97}

retired. 959. 1974-1986:  Other specific Watergate mentions (3) * {to 97}

Note:  Cases coded 997 in original study datasets have been
       recoced to 990 in Cumulative Data File variable VCF0877.

         995. "There were no issues"; "there were no issues, just party
              politics" [1978] (to 00)

         996. "There was no campaign in my district" [1978] (to 00)

         997. Other specific mentions of important problems * (to 97)

         998. DK * (to 98)

         999. NA * (to 99)

         000. Inap, no further mention; no problems * (to 00)

                         FREQUENCIES 1974 - LATER

             (note: frequencies for 1960-1972 appear in part 1)

                        V742079   Frequency   Frequency
                              0         34          34
                              1          5          39
                              5          2          41
                             10         82         123
                             12          1         124
                             21          1         125
                             29          2         127
                             30          2         129
                             40          3         132
                             41          1         133
                             50          2         135
                             60          4         139
                             61          3         142
                             62          1         143
                             69          1         144
                             91          1         145
                             92          1         146
                            100          2         148
                            102          1         149
                            120         20         169
                            122          3         172
                            129          1         173
                            150         11         184
                            151          3         187
                            190          1         188
                            200          3         191
                            201          3         194
                            212          1         195
                            300          2         197
                            302          2         199
                            303          1         200
                            304          1         201
                            320          2         203
                            321          3         206
                            340         28         234
                            342         13         247
                            360          1         248
                            361          2         250
                            369          3         253
                            380         36         289
                            383          2         291
                            390          5         296
                            395          6         302
                            400        646         948
                            401          1         949
                            403         21         970
                            404          2         972
                            405          4         976
                            406          3         979
                            407         19         998
                            408         33        1031
                            410         92        1123
                            415          8        1131
                            416          4        1135
                            419          5        1140
                            421          1        1141
                            422          1        1142
                            425          1        1143
                            450          1        1144
                            459          1        1145
                            490          5        1150
                            491        178        1328
                            500         12        1340
                            524          1        1341
                            527          1        1342
                            532          2        1344
                            533          2        1346
                            539          1        1347
                            552          1        1348
                            560          2        1350
                            562          7        1357
                            570          8        1365
                            580          1        1366
                            585          2        1368
                            710          2        1370
                            711          1        1371
                            712          2        1373
                            750         28        1401
                            770          1        1402
                            800          2        1404
                            810         37        1441
                            811          1        1442
                            815          1        1443
                            830          6        1449
                            832         42        1491
                            833          5        1496
                            835          4        1500
                            842          3        1503
                            849          1        1504
                            850          1        1505
                            870          8        1513
                            871          4        1517
                            872          1        1518
                            874          6        1524
                            879          1        1525
                            880          1        1526
                            885          6        1532
                            890          9        1541
                            950         10        1551
                            951          3        1554
                            959          1        1555
                            997          5        1560
                            998          3        1563
                            999         12        1575

                        V763689   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        473         473
                              5          2         475
                             10        538        1013
                             11          1        1014
                             20          3        1017
                             21          3        1020
                             30          4        1024
                             31          3        1027
                             32          1        1028
                             40          4        1032
                             41          1        1033
                             42          2        1035
                             43          1        1036
                             46          3        1039
                             51          1        1040
                             60         11        1051
                             62          3        1054
                             69          2        1056
                             90         18        1074
                             91          1        1075
                             92          8        1083
                            100          4        1087
                            102          4        1091
                            120          4        1095
                            148          1        1096
                            150         12        1108
                            153         11        1119
                            159          3        1122
                            200          4        1126
                            209          1        1127
                            220          1        1128
                            290          2        1130
                            300          7        1137
                            302          3        1140
                            310          3        1143
                            317          1        1144
                            320          5        1149
                            321          2        1151
                            329          1        1152
                            340         91        1243
                            342          3        1246
                            343          2        1248
                            351          1        1249
                            359          2        1251
                            360          1        1252
                            361          2        1254
                            369          1        1255
                            380         22        1277
                            381          2        1279
                            383          1        1280
                            390          1        1281
                            395          2        1283
                            400        456        1739
                            403          7        1746
                            404          4        1750
                            405          1        1751
                            408         66        1817
                            409          1        1818
                            410         20        1838
                            415         14        1852
                            416         16        1868
                            417          7        1875
                            419          2        1877
                            440          2        1879
                            441          3        1882
                            450          3        1885
                            459          3        1888
                            469          2        1890
                            490          6        1896
                            491        153        2049
                            492          1        2050
                            493          4        2054
                            494          5        2059
                            495          1        2060
                            500         19        2079
                            516          2        2081
                            520          1        2082
                            524          1        2083
                            530          1        2084
                            533          2        2086
                            539          2        2088
                            550          2        2090
                            560          1        2091
                            562          7        2098
                            570         20        2118
                            585          1        2119
                            590          2        2121
                            700         13        2134
                            710          3        2137
                            712         12        2149
                            800          3        2152
                            810         17        2169
                            813          1        2170
                            819          1        2171
                            830          5        2176
                            831          1        2177
                            832          8        2185
                            833          3        2188
                            835          1        2189
                            840          1        2190
                            842          2        2192
                            853          2        2194
                            869          1        2195
                            870          2        2197
                            871          2        2199
                            879          1        2200
                            880          1        2201
                            881          1        2202
                            885          4        2206
                            886          6        2212
                            890          3        2215
                            997         11        2226
                            998          4        2230
                            999         18        2248

                        V780315   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        643         643
                              1          1         644
                              5          2         646
                             10         68         714
                             11          2         716
                             19          2         718
                             20          4         722
                             21          3         725
                             29          2         727
                             30          3         730
                             31          8         738
                             39          1         739
                             40          5         744
                             41          1         745
                             46          3         748
                             49          1         749
                             50          1         750
                             51          1         751
                             54          1         752
                             60         10         762
                             61          2         764
                             63          1         765
                             64          2         767
                             69          3         770
                             90          8         778
                             91          1         779
                             92         11         790
                            100          1         791
                            102          1         792
                            104          1         793
                            145          1         794
                            150          5         799
                            151          2         801
                            153          3         804
                            159          1         805
                            161          3         808
                            162          1         809
                            169          1         810
                            200          1         811
                            211          1         812
                            220          3         815
                            300          1         816
                            301          3         819
                            304          2         821
                            310          1         822
                            320          6         828
                            329          2         830
                            331          1         831
                            340         20         851
                            342          8         859
                            343          1         860
                            359          2         862
                            360          2         864
                            361          3         867
                            367          1         868
                            380         22         890
                            381          3         893
                            383          3         896
                            390          6         902
                            400        887        1789
                            401          5        1794
                            402          1        1795
                            403         11        1806
                            404          2        1808
                            405          2        1810
                            408         84        1894
                            410         37        1931
                            411          5        1936
                            412          1        1937
                            415         23        1960
                            416         20        1980
                            417         15        1995
                            419          1        1996
                            425          1        1997
                            426          1        1998
                            427          6        2004
                            431          1        2005
                            433          1        2006
                            440          1        2007
                            442          4        2011
                            470          1        2012
                            490          7        2019
                            491         61        2080
                            492          4        2084
                            493          9        2093
                            494          2        2095
                            495          1        2096
                            500         12        2108
                            513          1        2109
                            524         12        2121
                            526          1        2122
                            527          1        2123
                            532          2        2125
                            533          2        2127
                            550          1        2128
                            552          3        2131
                            560          2        2133
                            562          5        2138
                            569          2        2140
                            570         30        2170
                            585          7        2177
                            700         11        2188
                            710          4        2192
                            711          4        2196
                            712          8        2204
                            713          2        2206
                            750          2        2208
                            761          1        2209
                            770          1        2210
                            800          3        2213
                            810         14        2227
                            819          1        2228
                            830          2        2230
                            832          5        2235
                            837          3        2238
                            840          2        2240
                            842          2        2242
                            853          1        2243
                            870          4        2247
                            871          3        2250
                            872          1        2251
                            885          3        2254
                            886          2        2256
                            890          6        2262
                            997          2        2264
                            998          4        2268
                            999         36        2304

                        V800979   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        254         254
                              5          1         255
                             10        115         370
                             11         13         383
                             12          2         385
                             19          2         387
                             20          1         388
                             21          2         390
                             30          4         394
                             31         17         411
                             39          2         413
                             40          2         415
                             41          1         416
                             46          1         417
                             50          1         418
                             51          2         420
                             59          1         421
                             60          5         426
                             61          9         435
                             62          1         436
                             90          6         442
                             91          2         444
                             92         10         454
                            100          1         455
                            109          2         457
                            120          1         458
                            121          1         459
                            150          4         463
                            151          3         466
                            160          3         469
                            161         14         483
                            162          2         485
                            169          3         488
                            211          1         489
                            304          1         490
                            321          3         493
                            340          5         498
                            342          3         501
                            369          1         502
                            379          1         503
                            380          4         507
                            395          2         509
                            400        432         941
                            401          4         945
                            403          6         951
                            404          8         959
                            408         32         991
                            410          8         999
                            411          4        1003
                            412          4        1007
                            414          1        1008
                            415         30        1038
                            416          4        1042
                            417         13        1055
                            418          1        1056
                            440          2        1058
                            451          1        1059
                            452          3        1062
                            459          1        1063
                            463          7        1070
                            469          1        1071
                            490          1        1072
                            491          3        1075
                            492          2        1077
                            493         14        1091
                            494          5        1096
                            496         40        1136
                            500         19        1155
                            506          1        1156
                            510          1        1157
                            514          1        1158
                            515        201        1359
                            524          2        1361
                            527          2        1363
                            530          4        1367
                            531          2        1369
                            533          2        1371
                            540         13        1384
                            552          4        1388
                            561          1        1389
                            562          2        1391
                            570         37        1428
                            585         28        1456
                            590          1        1457
                            700         13        1470
                            710          5        1475
                            711          5        1480
                            712         82        1562
                            713          1        1563
                            719          1        1564
                            731          1        1565
                            750          4        1569
                            761          1        1570
                            810          2        1572
                            811          3        1575
                            832          5        1580
                            833          2        1582
                            835          1        1583
                            836          1        1584
                            837          4        1588
                            840          2        1590
                            842          4        1594
                            871          3        1597
                            879          2        1599
                            886          1        1600
                            890          3        1603
                            997          3        1606
                            998          2        1608
                            999          6        1614

                        V820299   Frequency   Frequency
                              0         61          61
                              1          2          63
                              5          1          64
                             10        438         502
                             11         31         533
                             19          5         538
                             21          1         539
                             29          1         540
                             30         60         600
                             31         45         645
                             32          4         649
                             39          2         651
                             40          2         653
                             41          2         655
                             46          1         656
                             50          2         658
                             51          3         661
                             60          2         663
                             61         17         680
                             62          3         683
                             90          4         687
                             91          7         694
                             92          6         700
                            100          3         703
                            101          1         704
                            102          4         708
                            103          1         709
                            109          2         711
                            120          4         715
                            121          2         717
                            159          1         718
                            160          1         719
                            161          1         720
                            200          1         721
                            301          1         722
                            320          2         724
                            321          2         726
                            340          3         729
                            342          3         732
                            350          2         734
                            359          2         736
                            360          1         737
                            361          5         742
                            380          6         748
                            381          1         749
                            383          1         750
                            390          5         755
                            400         60         815
                            401          3         818
                            402          1         819
                            403          2         821
                            404          3         824
                            408          1         825
                            410         23         848
                            411          4         852
                            412         18         870
                            413          1         871
                            414          1         872
                            415         81         953
                            416         10         963
                            417          9         972
                            419          3         975
                            424          3         978
                            430          1         979
                            434          1         980
                            441          1         981
                            442          2         983
                            452          1         984
                            459          1         985
                            463          7         992
                            469          1         993
                            490          6         999
                            491         16        1015
                            493          2        1017
                            494         10        1027
                            496         69        1096
                            500         15        1111
                            521          1        1112
                            524          7        1119
                            525          1        1120
                            530          3        1123
                            531         14        1137
                            532          4        1141
                            533          3        1144
                            539          2        1146
                            540          6        1152
                            550          1        1153
                            552          1        1154
                            559          1        1155
                            560          1        1156
                            561          2        1158
                            562          8        1166
                            570         39        1205
                            585         73        1278
                            590          4        1282
                            700          7        1289
                            710         31        1320
                            711         32        1352
                            712         30        1382
                            713          1        1383
                            719          1        1384
                            731          1        1385
                            740          2        1387
                            750          1        1388
                            761          1        1389
                            810          2        1391
                            819          1        1392
                            820          1        1393
                            830          1        1394
                            832          1        1395
                            833          1        1396
                            835          2        1398
                            837          7        1405
                            840          2        1407
                            856          1        1408
                            871          2        1410
                            876          1        1411
                            882          1        1412
                            886          1        1413
                            890          2        1415
                            997          1        1416
                            999          2        1418

                        V840993   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        411         411
                              5          1         412
                             10        209         621
                             11         51         672
                             19          9         681
                             20          1         682
                             21          9         691
                             29          2         693
                             30          8         701
                             31         19         720
                             35          3         723
                             39          2         725
                             40          3         728
                             41          1         729
                             46          7         736
                             49          1         737
                             60         38         775
                             61         31         806
                             62          1         807
                             63          1         808
                             64          1         809
                             69          3         812
                             90          2         814
                             92         18         832
                            100          2         834
                            102          4         838
                            104          1         839
                            109          1         840
                            120          9         849
                            121          1         850
                            150          2         852
                            151          8         860
                            153          1         861
                            154          5         866
                            159          1         867
                            161          1         868
                            162          2         870
                            201          1         871
                            209          2         873
                            220          1         874
                            290          1         875
                            300          2         877
                            301          2         879
                            303          1         880
                            317          2         882
                            320          3         885
                            321          4         889
                            329          1         890
                            331          1         891
                            339          1         892
                            340          5         897
                            342          8         905
                            352          1         906
                            359          1         907
                            361          2         909
                            370          2         911
                            372          2         913
                            380         22         935
                            381          6         941
                            383          1         942
                            384          1         943
                            390          4         947
                            400         87        1034
                            401          1        1035
                            403          2        1037
                            404          2        1039
                            405          3        1042
                            410         17        1059
                            411          2        1061
                            412         11        1072
                            415        340        1412
                            416         12        1424
                            417         23        1447
                            419          4        1451
                            423          1        1452
                            424          4        1456
                            434          1        1457
                            440          5        1462
                            441          5        1467
                            442          1        1468
                            450          1        1469
                            452          1        1470
                            461          2        1472
                            463          5        1477
                            470          1        1478
                            484          2        1480
                            490         12        1492
                            491          6        1498
                            492          2        1500
                            493          6        1506
                            494         15        1521
                            495          1        1522
                            496         30        1552
                            500         16        1568
                            505          1        1569
                            510          3        1572
                            511          1        1573
                            514         42        1615
                            519          1        1616
                            524          1        1617
                            526          1        1618
                            527          4        1622
                            530          9        1631
                            531         27        1658
                            532          6        1664
                            533         25        1689
                            539          2        1691
                            540          6        1697
                            550          3        1700
                            552          8        1708
                            559          1        1709
                            562          1        1710
                            570        125        1835
                            585         10        1845
                            590          9        1854
                            700         13        1867
                            710         29        1896
                            711         55        1951
                            712         26        1977
                            713          2        1979
                            714        153        2132
                            719          7        2139
                            731          1        2140
                            740          1        2141
                            750          6        2147
                            769          1        2148
                            770          1        2149
                            800          1        2150
                            810          1        2151
                            819          2        2153
                            832          4        2157
                            835          2        2159
                            840          1        2160
                            858          1        2161
                            859          1        2162
                            871          2        2164
                            872          1        2165
                            873          2        2167
                            874          4        2171
                            875          1        2172
                            879          1        2173
                            882          5        2178
                            885          2        2180
                            886          6        2186
                            890          5        2191
                            996          1        2192
                            997         13        2205
                            998          4        2209
                            999         48        2257

                        V860306   Frequency   Frequency
                              0         76          76
                              5          2          78
                             10        252         330
                             11         11         341
                             19          1         342
                             20         23         365
                             21         15         380
                             29          6         386
                             30         21         407
                             31         15         422
                             35          3         425
                             39          1         426
                             40          2         428
                             41          4         432
                             45          1         433
                             46          8         441
                             48         18         459
                             50          5         464
                             51          1         465
                             59          1         466
                             60        100         566
                             61         26         592
                             62          1         593
                             69          3         596
                             90         12         608
                             91          9         617
                             92         15         632
                            100         31         663
                            102          9         672
                            103          6         678
                            104          1         679
                            109         10         689
                            120          1         690
                            121          1         691
                            150         10         701
                            151          2         703
                            154          5         708
                            159          6         714
                            201          1         715
                            202          1         716
                            300          6         722
                            301          1         723
                            302          1         724
                            303          1         725
                            304          1         726
                            317          2         728
                            320         88         816
                            321         38         854
                            329          8         862
                            340         15         877
                            341          8         885
                            342          4         889
                            352          1         890
                            360          2         892
                            361          5         897
                            367          3         900
                            369          3         903
                            370         28         931
                            372          1         932
                            374         10         942
                            379          2         944
                            380         38         982
                            381         10         992
                            383          6         998
                            390          4        1002
                            395          1        1003
                            400         44        1047
                            401          1        1048
                            403          1        1049
                            404          3        1052
                            405         14        1066
                            408          1        1067
                            410         24        1091
                            411          3        1094
                            412          2        1096
                            413          2        1098
                            414          2        1100
                            415        201        1301
                            416         20        1321
                            417          9        1330
                            419          3        1333
                            424          6        1339
                            440          8        1347
                            441          3        1350
                            442          4        1354
                            450          2        1356
                            460         11        1367
                            461         13        1380
                            463          3        1383
                            484          1        1384
                            490          3        1387
                            491          2        1389
                            492          2        1391
                            493         33        1424
                            494         31        1455
                            496         72        1527
                            497          7        1534
                            500         52        1586
                            504          4        1590
                            513          1        1591
                            514         20        1611
                            515         42        1653
                            516          2        1655
                            524         11        1666
                            527          1        1667
                            530         12        1679
                            531          7        1686
                            532          1        1687
                            533          1        1688
                            539          3        1691
                            540          5        1696
                            550          3        1699
                            551          3        1702
                            552         14        1716
                            560          2        1718
                            562          5        1723
                            569          1        1724
                            570         47        1771
                            585         31        1802
                            590         11        1813
                            700         30        1843
                            710         66        1909
                            711         47        1956
                            712         24        1980
                            713          3        1983
                            714        101        2084
                            719          6        2090
                            740          1        2091
                            750          1        2092
                            800          1        2093
                            801          1        2094
                            810         11        2105
                            811          1        2106
                            815          3        2109
                            819          1        2110
                            830          2        2112
                            831          1        2113
                            832          8        2121
                            836          1        2122
                            837          6        2128
                            840          2        2130
                            842          2        2132
                            856          1        2133
                            862          1        2134
                            870          2        2136
                            871          5        2141
                            872          1        2142
                            874          5        2147
                            876          2        2149
                            879          1        2150
                            882          2        2152
                            885          9        2161
                            886          4        2165
                            890          3        2168
                            997          8        2176

                        V880817   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        323         323
                              1          3         326
                              5          3         329
                              6          1         330
                             10         77         407
                             13          8         415
                             20         38         453
                             30         45         498
                             35          5         503
                             40         17         520
                             45          1         521
                             46         20         541
                             48         24         565
                             50         58         623
                             60         61         684
                             90          3         687
                             91          1         688
                             92          8         696
                            100         10         706
                            120          1         707
                            150         41         748
                            153         33         781
                            154          5         786
                            160          2         788
                            200          1         789
                            220          1         790
                            300         10         800
                            302          2         802
                            304          1         803
                            320        204        1007
                            330          1        1008
                            340         46        1054
                            360          8        1062
                            380         36        1098
                            381          6        1104
                            383          5        1109
                            384          2        1111
                            399          1        1112
                            400         23        1135
                            403          2        1137
                            405         11        1148
                            410          3        1151
                            411          5        1156
                            415        485        1641
                            416         14        1655
                            417          5        1660
                            418          1        1661
                            424          2        1663
                            427          1        1664
                            440          3        1667
                            441          1        1668
                            442          4        1672
                            460          2        1674
                            463          7        1681
                            491         10        1691
                            493         17        1708
                            494         17        1725
                            496         10        1735
                            497         11        1746
                            499          3        1749
                            500         17        1766
                            510          1        1767
                            514          3        1770
                            515          4        1774
                            519          2        1776
                            524          4        1780
                            530          5        1785
                            531          5        1790
                            532          4        1794
                            533          3        1797
                            540          2        1799
                            550          5        1804
                            560          2        1806
                            570         34        1840
                            585          8        1848
                            599          2        1850
                            700         14        1864
                            710          2        1866
                            711          7        1873
                            712         17        1890
                            713          3        1893
                            714         14        1907
                            800          1        1908
                            810          6        1914
                            811          1        1915
                            830          6        1921
                            833          2        1923
                            837          3        1926
                            856          1        1927
                            878          1        1928
                            881          1        1929
                            885          1        1930
                            899          2        1932
                            997          8        1940
                            998          3        1943
                            999         37        1980

                        V900326   Frequency   Frequency
                              0         63          63
                              5          1          64
                              6          1          65
                             10         86         151
                             13          4         155
                             20         49         204
                             30         21         225
                             35          2         227
                             40         20         247
                             45          1         248
                             46         22         270
                             48          5         275
                             50         44         319
                             60         49         368
                             90          2         370
                             91          2         372
                             92         13         385
                             99          1         386
                            100          1         387
                            103          2         389
                            150         58         447
                            151          1         448
                            153         51         499
                            154          3         502
                            160          4         506
                            200          1         507
                            300          7         514
                            302          1         515
                            304          1         516
                            320        114         630
                            340         25         655
                            360          6         661
                            367          1         662
                            380         38         700
                            381         13         713
                            383          1         714
                            384          1         715
                            399          5         720
                            400         28         748
                            403          1         749
                            404         11         760
                            405          5         765
                            408          6         771
                            410         52         823
                            411          1         824
                            415        200        1024
                            416         12        1036
                            417         10        1046
                            424          3        1049
                            440          1        1050
                            442          8        1058
                            453          7        1065
                            460          3        1068
                            491          4        1072
                            492          2        1074
                            493          7        1081
                            494          5        1086
                            495          5        1091
                            496         60        1151
                            497          9        1160
                            498          2        1162
                            499          5        1167
                            500          9        1176
                            516          1        1177
                            524        561        1738
                            532          1        1739
                            533          1        1740
                            550          1        1741
                            560          6        1747
                            570         13        1760
                            585         12        1772
                            700          3        1775
                            711          2        1777
                            713          1        1778
                            714          3        1781
                            750          5        1786
                            799          1        1787
                            810         11        1798
                            811          2        1800
                            830         15        1815
                            836          2        1817
                            837         10        1827
                            853          1        1828
                            869          1        1829
                            874          1        1830
                            881          1        1831
                            885          4        1835
                            899          1        1836
                            997          2        1838
                            998          4        1842
                            999        138        1980

                        V925726   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        482         482
                              1          3         485
                              5          1         486
                             10        407         893
                             13          8         901
                             20         48         949
                             30          7         956
                             35          1         957
                             40        106        1063
                             45          1        1064
                             46         20        1084
                             48         11        1095
                             50         50        1145
                             60         42        1187
                             90          7        1194
                             91          2        1196
                             92         13        1209
                             99          1        1210
                            100          3        1213
                            120          2        1215
                            150         28        1243
                            153          4        1247
                            200          1        1248
                            300         24        1272
                            320         48        1320
                            340         53        1373
                            360          6        1379
                            367          1        1380
                            370          1        1381
                            380         64        1445
                            381         23        1468
                            383          3        1471
                            384          2        1473
                            385          2        1475
                            399          1        1476
                            400          7        1483
                            405          1        1484
                            410         29        1513
                            411          2        1515
                            415        309        1824
                            416         12        1836
                            417          4        1840
                            424          5        1845
                            427          1        1846
                            440          1        1847
                            442          1        1848
                            460          8        1856
                            463          4        1860
                            491         24        1884
                            492          4        1888
                            493          5        1893
                            494          2        1895
                            495         10        1905
                            496        359        2264
                            497         15        2279
                            498          3        2282
                            499          4        2286
                            500          7        2293
                            505          1        2294
                            516          4        2298
                            519          2        2300
                            524          5        2305
                            550          3        2308
                            560          3        2311
                            570          6        2317
                            585          8        2325
                            599          1        2326
                            700          2        2328
                            711          1        2329
                            714          5        2334
                            740          1        2335
                            750         11        2346
                            765          1        2347
                            800          3        2350
                            810          8        2358
                            830          5        2363
                            833          4        2367
                            836          1        2368
                            837          3        2371
                            838          1        2372
                            840          2        2374
                            859          2        2376
                            869          2        2378
                            874          1        2379
                            878          3        2382
                            881          3        2385
                            885          2        2387
                            899          1        2388
                            997          5        2393
                            998          3        2396
                            999         89        2485

                        V940706   Frequency   Frequency
                              0         46          46
                              1          1          47
                              5          2          49
                              6          2          51
                             10        101         152
                             13          5         157
                             20         65         222
                             30         23         245
                             35          4         249
                             40        194         443
                             45          2         445
                             46          9         454
                             48          6         460
                             50         26         486
                             60         32         518
                             90         37         555
                             91          5         560
                             92         37         597
                            150         17         614
                            153          3         617
                            154          1         618
                            300         11         629
                            304          1         630
                            320         49         679
                            330          1         680
                            340        434        1114
                            360         14        1128
                            367          8        1136
                            368          2        1138
                            370          1        1139
                            380         71        1210
                            381         45        1255
                            383          8        1263
                            384          5        1268
                            385          1        1269
                            400          7        1276
                            405          3        1279
                            411          3        1282
                            415        129        1411
                            416         14        1425
                            417          9        1434
                            424          2        1436
                            425          1        1437
                            427          1        1438
                            433          1        1439
                            440          3        1442
                            441          1        1443
                            442          3        1446
                            460         17        1463
                            463         14        1477
                            491          8        1485
                            493          8        1493
                            494          1        1494
                            495          2        1496
                            496         75        1571
                            497         14        1585
                            498          1        1586
                            499          3        1589
                            500         10        1599
                            504          1        1600
                            519          2        1602
                            532          1        1603
                            550         11        1614
                            560          7        1621
                            570         16        1637
                            585         17        1654
                            700          4        1658
                            710          1        1659
                            712          3        1662
                            714          3        1665
                            750          6        1671
                            760          1        1672
                            800         14        1686
                            810          2        1688
                            811          5        1693
                            830          9        1702
                            833          1        1703
                            837          6        1709
                            838          4        1713
                            840          6        1719
                            853          1        1720
                            859          4        1724
                            869          1        1725
                            874          4        1729
                            885          3        1732
                            887          4        1736
                            899          5        1741
                            997          2        1743
                            998          1        1744
                            999         51        1795

                        V961141   Frequency   Frequency
                              0        916         916
                              1          1         917
                              5          2         919
                             10         48         967
                             20         60        1027
                             30         31        1058
                             35          3        1061
                             40         45        1106
                             46          4        1110
                             50         13        1123
                             60         26        1149
                             90         39        1188
                             91          2        1190
                             92         20        1210
                            150         18        1228
                            153          2        1230
                            300         22        1252
                            304          1        1253
                            320         40        1293
                            340         94        1387
                            360          4        1391
                            367          4        1395
                            370          1        1396
                            380         48        1444
                            381         14        1458
                            383         10        1468
                            385          2        1470
                            399          1        1471
                            400          1        1472
                            405          4        1476
                            410          8        1484
                            411          1        1485
                            415         93        1578
                            416          3        1581
                            417          3        1584
                            441          3        1587
                            442          8        1595
                            460          5        1600
                            463          4        1604
                            491          2        1606
                            492          1        1607
                            493          2        1609
                            494          1        1610
                            496         16        1626
                            497          2        1628
                            500          3        1631
                            524          1        1632
                            540          1        1633
                            550          6        1639
                            560          2        1641
                            570          3        1644
                            585          5        1649
                            712          6        1655
                            750          7        1662
                            760          2        1664
                            800          2        1666
                            810          5        1671
                            830         10        1681
                            833          3        1684
                            837          1        1685
                            859          2        1687
                            874          4        1691
                            878          1        1692
                            885          1        1693
                            997          1        1694
                            999         20        1714

Walter Mebane 2003-02-17