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              COLUMNS 820-820
              MD EQ 6 OR GE 7

        Is/Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about <U.S.
        House Republican candidate>? What is/was that? Anything else?



        Republican candidate's name from election held during year of IW was

        Four possible mentions were coded in all original NES datasets except
        1988 and later, which coded 5.

        If R's response to "Is there anything in particular that you liked
        about the US House Republican candidate" was "I don't know anything
        about this candidate," then this question was not asked and VCF0985
        has been coded 6.

        Rs who responded "no" to "Is there anything in particular that you
        didn't like about the US House Republican candidate?" have been coded
        here as 0 mentions.  "DK" responses to this question and "I don't know
        anything about this candidate" responses have been maintained as MD
        codes, unlike VCF0401-402 and VCF0405-406, because of the very high
        numbers of respondents falling into these categories [for consistency,
        NA responses to this question has also been retained as MD].  In
        addition, if R responded "yes" to "Is there anything in particular
        that you disliked about the US House Republican candidate" but R
        provided no mentions (DK or NA in first mention), then s/he has been
        coded in the corresponding MD category in VCF0985.

        In one district in 1992, two Republican 'incumbents' ran against each
        other (LA06) due to redistricting, but neither candidate had
        previously represented the geographic area corresponding to the
        reconfigured district.  As a result, this race has been treated as
        an open race.  In House-level thermometers, likes/dislikes, contact
        etc., one Republican candidate (always the same one) has been folded
        into the data normally pertaining to the Democratic candidate [SEE
        VCF0980-981].  VCF0902 (type of race) code 45 can be used to filter
        such Republican 1992 cases from "Democratic" variables.

        For 1984 and 1992:  if R was in a district where no Republican
        candidate was running BUT the interview administered was an
        abbreviated telephone interview (1984) or a short form interview
        (1992), then VCF0985 has been coded 9, not 8.

        Responses referring to an independent or 'other' candidate are not
        recorded here for districts having only one major party candidate
        (e.g. type race 23 in VCF0902).

        NOTE:  VCF0984-987 have not been altered as a result of corrections to
        1978 data for type of House race (see notes VCF0902).

        1998 note:  1 case (0062) that was coded "yes" in the 1998 study data
        as response whether there was anything R liked about the Republican
        House candidate should have been coded "I don't know anything about
        this candidate" but has been correctly categorized in variables
        VCF0984 and VCF0985.

        In 1996 and later, randomization occurred for the order in which the
        Democratic and Republican House candidate names were administered for
        the set of 'likes/dislikes' questions; note that for each candidate
        'likes' preceded 'dislikes,' and both 'likes' and 'dislikes' questions
        were administered for one candidate before questions concerning the
        next candidate were begun.

            0.   Zero negative mentions (dislikes)
            1.   One negative mention (dislikes)
            2.   Two negative  mentions (dislikes)
            3.   Three negative mentions (dislikes)
            4.   Four or more negative mentions (dislikes)

            6.   "I don't know anything about this candidate" (VOLUNTEERED)
            7.   DK if disliked anything about candidate; disliked something
                 about candidate but DK what
            8.   No Republican candidate in R's district (includes Washington
            9.   NA if disliked anything about candidate; disliked something
                 about candidate but NA what; INAP, no post IW (presidential
                 years); abbrev. telephone IW (1984); short form (1992);
                 distict NA (2000); district misidentified (2000); question
                 not used

       1978:  175-179         1980:  907-911         1982:  163-167
       1984:  923-927         1986:  199-203         1988:  692-697
       1990:  216-221         1992:  5419-5424       1994:  419-424
       1996:  961062-961067   1998:  980293-980298   2000:  001346-1351


Walter Mebane 2003-02-17