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Table 1: Types of local federal expenditure

variable tex2html_wrap_inline601 description
transfer payments tex2html_wrap_inline603 transfer payments to individuals
civilian employment tex2html_wrap_inline605 Federal government civilian employment
military employment tex2html_wrap_inline605 Federal government military employment
civilian salaries tex2html_wrap_inline609 salaries and wages, all civilian and Postal Service employees
military salaries tex2html_wrap_inline609 salaries and wages, all military personnel
civilian procurements tex2html_wrap_inline609 procurement contracts, all except Defense Department
military procurements tex2html_wrap_inline609 procurement contracts, Defense Department
direct payments tex2html_wrap_inline609 direct payments other than for individuals
education transfers tex2html_wrap_inline619 transfers to local governments for education
highways transfers tex2html_wrap_inline619 transfers to local governments for highways
social welfare transfers tex2html_wrap_inline619 transfers to local governments for public welfare, employment security, health and hospitals, housing
other transfers tex2html_wrap_inline619 all other transfers to local governments


tex2html_wrap_inline601 All variables are used per capita, based on county population tex2html_wrap_inline629 .

tex2html_wrap_inline629 source, Bureau of Economic Analysis 1990.

tex2html_wrap_inline633 source, Bureau of the Census 1984-90.

tex2html_wrap_inline635 source, Bureau of the Census 1986-91 and 1991; county totals are estimated as in Mebane 1993.

tex2html_wrap_inline637 units, $1000 per person.

tex2html_wrap_inline639 units, jobs per person.

Table 2: 95% confidence intervals for support values that maximize local federal expenditures

maximum is an elite-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the elite-oriented range
civilian procurements (.59, .61) military procurements (.00, 1.00)
military employment (.70, .71) civilian employment (.00, 1.00)
civilian salaries (.68, .68) military salaries no max tex2html_wrap_inline601
Federal welfare transfers (.61, .62) transfer payments no max
Federal education transfers (.60, .63) direct payments (.35, .44)
State highways transfers (.69, .75) Federal highways transfers (.00, 1.00)
State education transfers (.55, .59) Federal other transfers (.27, .37)
State welfare transfers (.35, .39)
State other transfers no max
maximum is an elite-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the elite-oriented range
civilian procurements (.64, .71) military procurements (.79, .81)
civilian employment (.49, 1.00)
military employment (.00, 1.00)
civilian salaries (.02, 1.00)
military salaries no max
transfer payments (.00, 1.00)
direct payments no max
Federal highways transfers no max
Federal welfare transfers (.98, .98)
Federal education transfers no max
Federal other transfers (.70, .91)
State highways transfers no max
State welfare transfers (.92, .94)
State education transfers no max
State other transfers (.74, .98)

Source: Confidence intervals are computed using normal approximations and asymptotic standard errors obtained by the delta method from the standard errors of the coefficient estimates of the targeting polynomials.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 The polynomial does not have any maximum values.

Table 3: 95% confidence intervals for support values that maximize changes in local federal expenditures

institutionally less complex LFEs
maximum is a voter-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the voter-oriented range
military employment (.38, .39) civilian procurements no max tex2html_wrap_inline601
civilian salaries (.37, .39) military procurements (.61, .79)
military salaries (.25, .55) civilian employment no max
transfer payments (.15, .75) direct payments no max
institutionally complex LFEs
maximum is a voter-oriented targeting value maximum is not in the voter-oriented range
Federal welfare transfers (.29, .35) Federal highways transfers no max
Federal education transfers no max
Federal other transfers no max
State highways transfers no max
State welfare transfers no max
State education transfers no max
State other transfers (.00, 1.00)

Source: Confidence intervals are computed using normal approximations and asymptotic standard errors obtained by the delta method from the standard errors of the coefficient estimates of the targeting polynomials.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 The polynomial does not have any maximum values.

Table 4: Presidential vote choice probit regression equation estimates

variable I II III
Constant -.252 -.313 -.318
(-.509, .001) (-.580, -.055) (-.581, -.063)
Party identification tex2html_wrap_inline601 .521 .534 .533
(.467, .581) (.478, .595) (.478, 594)
Spending scale tex2html_wrap_inline601 .440 .524 .381
(.106, .778) (.053, .718) (.046, 715)
National economy evaluations tex2html_wrap_inline601 .540 .524 .526
(.220, .874) (.208, .866) (.210, .870)
Family finances evaluations tex2html_wrap_inline601 .330 .330 .327
(.060, .607) (.057, .611) (.059, .608)
Civilian employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 -- 1.072 .853 tex2html_wrap_inline633
(-.250, 2.401) (.155, 1.570)
Military employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 -- .733 .853 tex2html_wrap_inline633
(-.435, 1.885) (.155, 1.570)
Nongovernmental employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 2.762 3.571 3.716
(.351, 5.328) (.960, 6.708) (1.124, 6.848)
tex2html_wrap_inline687 log-likelihood 731.94 723.86 724.06

Source: Equations for the probability of voting for the Republican rather than the Democratic presidential candidate, using 1988 ANES and contextual data. N = 975 respondents from 91 counties. In equation I, 85.6% correctly classified, tex2html_wrap_inline691 . tex2html_wrap_inline635 In equation II, 85.0% correctly classified, tex2html_wrap_inline695 . In equation III, 85.1% correctly classified, tex2html_wrap_inline695 . Coefficients are probit MLEs. 95% confidence intervals (percentile-t bootstrap) are in parentheses. Intercept-only: tex2html_wrap_inline687 log-likelihood = 1348.76.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 survey attitude variable.
tex2html_wrap_inline629 county-level change (purged): total for 1987-88 minus total for 1985-86.
tex2html_wrap_inline633 parameters constrained to equal one another.
tex2html_wrap_inline635 tex2html_wrap_inline709 (Goodman-Kruskal gamma) measures the rank correlation between observed responses and predicted probabilities.

Table 5: Probabilities of a pro-incumbent (pro-Republican) vote at minimum and maximum values of local-area employment changes and subjective economic evaluations

national family
nongovernmental civilian military economy finances
employment employment employment evaluations evaluations
tex2html_wrap_inline711 tex2html_wrap_inline713 tex2html_wrap_inline715 tex2html_wrap_inline717 tex2html_wrap_inline719 tex2html_wrap_inline721 tex2html_wrap_inline723 tex2html_wrap_inline725 tex2html_wrap_inline723 tex2html_wrap_inline725
at mean of PID .35 .71 .39 .63 .36 .61 .43 .64 .45 .58
strong Democrat .03 .18 .04 .13 .03 .12 .05 .14 .06 .10
Democrat .09 .36 .11 .28 .10 .26 .14 .28 .15 .23
independent-Democrat .22 .57 .25 .47 .23 .46 .29 .49 .30 .42
independent .40 .76 .44 .68 .42 .67 .49 .69 .50 .63
independent-Republican .61 .89 .65 .84 .63 .83 .69 .85 .71 .81
Republican .79 .96 .82 .94 .80 .93 .85 .94 .86 .92
Strong Republican .91 .99 .93 .98 .92 .98 .94 .98 .95 .97
mean probability tex2html_wrap_inline633 .43 .65 .46 .60 .44 .59 .49 .60 .50 .56

Source: Computed using the vote choice probit regression equation point estimates of Table 4. The probability for each level of party ID and each minimum or maximum value is computed with the other variables in the equation at their mean values in the 1988 ANES sample. Employment-changes values are for the purged data.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 Minimum value. For evaluations, 0 means ``worse.''

tex2html_wrap_inline629 Maximum value. For evaluations, 1 means ``better.''

tex2html_wrap_inline633 Average of the probabilities over the seven party ID categories, weighting by the sample proportions for the PID categories among voters in the ANES data. In order from strong Democrat through strong Republican the proportions are .199, .165, .112, .063, .128, .148, .186.

Table 6: Effects of LFEs on individuals' subjective economic evaluations

national economy family finances
variable evaluations evaluations
Intercept 1 -.956 -.628
(.069) (.090)
Intercept 2 .468 .328
(.065) (.089)
Party identification tex2html_wrap_inline601 .166 .111
(.017) (.019)
Family income in 1987 ($1000) tex2html_wrap_inline601 -- .010
Military procurements tex2html_wrap_inline629 .126 --
Direct payments tex2html_wrap_inline629 tex2html_wrap_inline751 party id. tex2html_wrap_inline601 -- -.143
Federal education transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 -- 6.492
Federal social welfare transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 -1.843 --
Federal social welfare transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 tex2html_wrap_inline751 spending scale tex2html_wrap_inline601 -2.442 --
Civilian or military employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 -- 35.15
Civilian or military employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 tex2html_wrap_inline751 spending scale tex2html_wrap_inline601 -91.46 --
Nongovernmental employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 3.722 2.900
(1.286) (1.393)

Source: Ordered probit regression equations for the probability of giving a more favorable response, using 1988 ANES and contextual data. National economy N = 975 ( tex2html_wrap_inline785 ) tex2html_wrap_inline633 and family finances N = 901 ( tex2html_wrap_inline791 ) respondents. Coefficients are MLEs. Standard errors are in parentheses.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 survey attitude variable.
tex2html_wrap_inline629 county-level change: total for 1987-88 minus total for 1985-86.
tex2html_wrap_inline633 tex2html_wrap_inline709 (Goodman-Kruskal gamma) measures the rank correlation between observed responses and predicted probabilities.

Table 7: Probabilities of evaluating the national economy as ``better'' at minimum and maximum values of the LFE changes that have heterogeneous effects

social welfare civilian military
transfers employment employment
SPEND value tex2html_wrap_inline801 tex2html_wrap_inline803 tex2html_wrap_inline805 tex2html_wrap_inline807 tex2html_wrap_inline809 tex2html_wrap_inline811
increase all index items .067 .298 .029 .389 .011 .349
neutral ( tex2html_wrap_inline813 ) .848 .026 .190 .190 .192 .192
decrease all index items .9998 .0004 .552 .070 .709 .087

Source: Computed using the ordered probit regression equation point estimates of Table 6. The probability for each level of SPEND and each minimum or maximum value is computed with the other variables in the equation at their mean values in the 1988 ANES sample. LFE-changes values are for unpurged data.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 Minimum value.

tex2html_wrap_inline629 Maximum value.

Table 8: Effects of LFEs on individuals' partisanship and spending tastes

variable party identification spending scale
Intercept -1.854 -.278
(.300) (.019)
Family income in 1987 ($1000, logged) tex2html_wrap_inline601 .371 --
Direct payments tex2html_wrap_inline629 1.121 .170
(.291) (.037)
Federal education transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 -15.22 --
Federal highways transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 -- -.981
Federal social welfare transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 -2.065 --
Federal other transfers tex2html_wrap_inline629 5.832 .482
(1.638) (.193)
Nongovernmental employment tex2html_wrap_inline629 -- .891
Nongovernmental income tex2html_wrap_inline629 .161 --

Source: Ordinary least squares regression equations, using 1988 ANES and contextual data. N = 901. Party identification equation residual mean square error = 4.71 ( tex2html_wrap_inline847 ). Spending scale equation residual mean square error = .084 ( tex2html_wrap_inline849 ). Standard errors are in parentheses.

tex2html_wrap_inline601 survey attitude variable.
tex2html_wrap_inline629 county-level change: total for 1987-88 minus total for 1985-86.

Figure 1: Effects of support on federal local expenditures, pre-midterm

Notes: Quasi-likelihood estimates. The number in parentheses shows the degree of the targeting polynomial.

Figure 2: Effects of support on local federal expenditures, post-midterm

Notes: Quasi-likelihood estimates. The number in parentheses shows the degree of the targeting polynomial.

Figure 3: Effects of support on changes in local federal expenditures, by support

Notes: Computed using the targeting polynomial estimates shown in Figures 1 and 2.

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Walter Mebane
Fri Sep 11 15:15:35 EDT 1998