key terms to be able to use and explain for the midterm exam (Spring 2006) Condorcet paradox transitive and complete preferences vote cycle sophisticated voting sincere and strategic voting heresthetic: strategic voting, agenda control and dimension manipulation majority rule Borda count choice from all subsets, unrestricted preferences, pairwise independence, weak Pareto and dictatorship the fully decisive set can contain only one individual non-manipulability single peaked preferences median voter theorem two dimensional spatial preferences euclidean metric nonseparable preferences ideal point winset Pareto set uncovered set majority rule chaos agenda setting with sincere voters and with strategic voters median line the generalized median and the yolk battle of the sexes, coordination and prisoner's dilemma games Nash equilibrium parties and collective action problems district magnitude Duverger's Law the M+1 rule Duvergerian and non-Duvergerian outcomes coordination failure coalition-proof Nash equilibrium bimodality hypothesis rational expectations condition and Duverger's Law beliefs about preferences, expectations about strategies