Punctual attendance is required. Unexcused absences are not acceptable. If you must miss a class, please contact me in advance. Poor attendance will adversely affect your final grade. Please make every effort to arrive to class on time; importance announcements will be made in the first few minutes of class. I will excuse absences due to serious illness, religious holidays, and personal emergencies.

Late work is not acceptable. Any paper handed in after the deadline will not be accepted. If a personal emergency arises and you need an extension, you must speak with me well in advance of the due date. Please plan ahead for computer mishaps: always keep a back-up file of your work, and give yourself plenty of time to print.

Plagiarism is illegal. Plagiarism is defined as the submission of work that contains ideas not fully your own--ideas taken from publications, from other students, your professors, the Internet, etc. Remember that you are required to cite a source if you include a direct quotation and if you borrow an idea and put it in your own words. If you have questions about the fine line between being influenced by a text or person and plagiarizing its/his/her ideas, cite the source. Plagiarized work will result in a failing grade for the assignment and a presentation of the case before the Academic Judiciary Committee; the consequences of a proven case of plagiarism range from a failing grade in the course to suspension or expulsion from the University of Michigan.