Phylogenetic trees of the five translated pseudogenes Species tree topology is used for each translated pseudogene The codon alignment of each pseudogene is provided in codonAlignment.txt The branch model in PAML is used to estimate the nonsynonymous to synonymous rate ratio (ω) for each branch The model allows the ω to vary among all branches The ω values are labeled at the branches The branches without ω values are due to the lack of synonymous change at the branches. ENSG00000255262 ((((( human: 0.7624 , chimpanzee ): 0.0001 , gorilla ): 0.0001 , orangutan ) , macaque: 0.1859 ): 0.0001 , marmoset , mouse: 0.0612 ); ENSG00000182814 ((( human , chimpanzee ): 0.1338 , gorilla: 0.2022 ): 0.3368 , orangutan: 0.1999 , macaque: 0.4021 ); ENSG00000228466 ((( human: 0.0001 , chimpanzee: 0.1828 ): 0.0001 , gorilla: 0.3784 ): 0.0001 , orangutan , macaque: 0.2460 ); ENSG00000236444 (((( human: 0.0001 , chimpanzee: 0.0001 ): 0.0001 , gorilla: 0.0001 ): 0.0001 , orangutan: 0.0001 ): 0.0001 , macaque: 0.3491 , marmoset: 0.4274 ); ENSG00000254373 (((( human: 0.6459 , chimpanzee ): 0.0001 , gorilla: 0.5023 ): 0.0001 , orangutan: 0.9194 ): 0.0001 , macaque: 0.1374 , mouse: 0.4715 );