eRAM Release 2.1.6

The following changes were included in the 2.1.6 release:

Animal Use Forms

The Fee for Service protocol errors on animal transfer form types has been corrected.
The defect allowing a Report Non-traditional Acquisition of Animals form to be submitted with indicating a source of animals (for Non-ULAM purchases) has been fixed. This is a required field for submission.

PI/Lab Personnel

For protocols and funding amendments, the system will check that all listed PAFs (external funding sources) are in a "valid" state (i.e., not in Cancelled, Withdrawn, Turned Down, Closed, or Invited for Full Proposal). If any PAFs are not in a valid state, an error message will display, and any invalid PAFs will need to be removed before submission or approval.
A new action item will be created for the PI and Lab Personnel on a protocol when a PAF/external funding source, that is listed on the protocol, moves to the state of Cancelled, Withdrawn, Turned Down, Closed or Invited for Full Proposal. The system will send a notification that the PAF must be removed from the protocol via amendment.
Shortcode managers do not need to be listed as personnel on a Protocol in order to manage the PI's shortcodes and to add or remove the associated protocols.
When a shortcode is activated or deactivated by the ULAM Accounting office, an email notification will be sent to the PI(s) with a list of all protocols that are associated with the shortcode. Future functionality will include adding the shortcode managers to the recipient list.


The UCUCA Office now has the ability to add and maintain data directly in eRAM for :

    • Annual Review committee decision options
    • Euthanasia methods
    • Facility buildings
    • Immunization methods
    • Non-traditional acquisition methods
    • PI appointment eligibility
    • Restraint methods
    • Review types
    • Surgery types
    • Tissue collection methods
    • Waste gas methods

This functionality also restricts any duplicate entries.

The defect involving reviewer notes showing up incorrectly on amendments has been fixed.
The defect on the protocol activity " Notify PI That Application is Ready to Submit" has been fixed. The email notification is no longer being sent to ULAM Procurement.
The UCUCA Office is now able to flag transfer forms for expiring protocols so that the forms appear in the ULAM Barcoding team workspace.
The UCUCA Office and RCAs now have the ability to add notes when Commissioning or Decommissioning a facility.
The UCUCA Office is now able to update their notes on the Animal Use Adjustment forms that are completed, through the use of a new activity Update Form Note.
The UCUCA Office is now able to make internal notes on Animal Use forms for use in compliance reporting via a new activity Maintain UCUCA Only Note.
The Animal Use/Research Type data is now included in the Training feed.
The ULAM Procurement team is now able to flag standing orders for more efficient processing.

Reports for UCUCA, ULAM, and Report Viewers

Species Search Report: This report will allow criteria to be used to find Species Listed on Protocols. There will be a row for a Protocol, Species combination.
Locations Search Report: This report will allow criteria to be used to find Locations Listed on Protocols. There will be a row for a Protocol, Species, Location combination.