Release 4.0.14

November 27, 2018

Amendment Summary

eRAM is introducing the ability to submit an Amendment Summary for Scientific and PI Amendment Types.

A new activity called Maintain AME Summary allows the PI, Protocol Editors, and ACUO to enter summary information about the amendment, describing what is changing and why. This will display on the AME Summary tab of the Amendment Workspace, and will provide guidance to Reviewers, and provide content for future reports. Summary and Involved Funding Source will also be included on the Amendments tab of the Protocol Workspace.

Amendment Summary information can also be entered by the PI and Protocol editors within the Submit Amendment and Submit Changes activities, or by Protocol Editors within the Notify PI that Amendment is Ready to Submit activity.

See the Amendment Summary step-by-step guide for details.


The EHS Medical Surveillance Form and corresponding info on the eRAM website has had several question updates.