Release 4.0.19

June 10, 2019

New PI Proxy Role

A new PI Proxy role allows a PI to delegate authority to another individual for the purposes of performing certain actions that were historically designated as ‘PI only’ in eRAM; however, the PI is still responsible for the Protocol and the items in the Principal Investigator's Assurance.

Only the PI can assign a PI Proxy role to someone on the Personnel page.

A PI Proxy is specific to EACH protocol. Once assigned, the PI Proxy will have the ability to perform the following functions:

  • Submit protocols and amendments
  • Create new users on the Protocol Personnel page
  • Accept EHS findings and recommendations for a protocol
  • Create protocol renewals
  • Create and complete an Annual Review
  • Copy protocols

See the following procedures for more details:

Protocol - Tumor Growth Procedures details page

Several questions were removed from this page.

Protocol - Personnel and Location Information pages

Revised error-checking provides a more informative and timely error message regarding selection of the Husbandry Care role on the Personnel page and the answer to the "Will the laboratory provide daily husbandry care instead of ULAM?" question on the Location Information page.