Re: [netatalk-admins] zip ignoring gnireply

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] zip ignoring gnireply
From: Michael Han (
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 17:17:05 EST

>What does it mean? Is this a problem? What is zip? Is 'zip' the zip
>compression program? Is it trying to talk to atalkd (locally?
>remotely?). If I uninstalled zip locally would these messages go away?
>Would that hurt anything if I don't use zip for anything else?

ZIP is Zone Information Protocol. It's the AppleTalk protocol for
participating in a zoned AppleTalk network. I'm not completely sure,
based on the information and my level of knowledge, but I'd guess that
there's a misconfigured device somewhere that's providing information
that's making netatalk unhappy. Looks like the messages are in the
getnetreply function, and that the devices causing trouble are on
cable ranges 44544 and 44545.

I will not trade pants with others
 - The collected wisdom of Bart Simpson

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