[netatalk-admins] papd

Subject: [netatalk-admins] papd
From: Paul Krohn (krohn@examiner.com)
Date: Fri Jan 29 1999 - 20:50:19 EST

with lots of help from folks on the list (thanks!), i set up an mklinux
box and (netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.0) to spool for three printers. it
actually functions quite reliably, but printing speeds from various
applications vary tremendously.

for example, printing from netscape (something we do a lot of since all
of our staff and wire pictures are accessed via a web client) is much
faster through the spooler - on the order of ten times faster.

however, printing from quark is a different story; it is fastest printing
via laserwriter 7 directly to the printer; a little slower using 8.3.4;
and over a minute (!!) to print the same 600 dpi 8.5 x 11 page using
8.3.4 and the spooler.

as an aside, i can't spool at all using laserwriter 7. it just sits there
and the clock spins, "preparing data".

i guess the simple question is "does anyone know of a laserwriter driver
that both works and is fast(er than not spooling) for most or all
applications, but mostly quark xpress?"


Paul Krohn
San Francisco Examiner Systems Department
110 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
krohn@examiner.com - www.examiner.com

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