Re: [netatalk-admins] filelock prolbems with filemaker pro

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] filelock prolbems with filemaker pro
From: Jonathan Benson (
Date: Sun Feb 07 1999 - 19:03:04 EST

Masahiro Otsuka wrote:

> person can't open the file until another person closes it. I am using
> multuser mode in filemaker. So I shouldn't have problem like this. This
> file locking works perfectly well on any other files, but I understand
> that filemaker does differenet locking mechanism. If someone knows how
> to solve this problem please help me!

I'm not sure your using FileMaker Pro correctly. The 2nd person should NOT
try to open the database from the same location as the first, they should
select "Hosts" from the File Open Dialog and open the file from the other

As I've said before (but probably not back to the mailing list) you REALLY
shouldn't run the databases off a netatalk server with FileMaker Pro. The
files should be located on a machine that will have them ALL open (or
perhaps spread different sections across multiple machines, but...) and then
everyone accesses them via the Hosts button.

If someone opens the files from the server they will then become the Host
and everyone else will have to connect to them. The problem with this is
when the Host gets a request from another user it will have to read the file
over the network and then send that information back out over the network.
That might work if you have a fast network, but in most cases it makes more
sense to store the files locally on the Host.


Jonathan Benson B.Eng. (Soft Sys Hon) <>
Systems Administrator, Phoenix Magazines, Phone: +61 3 9696 7200

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