[netatalk-admins] Angry FreeHand users...

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Angry FreeHand users...
From: Scott Kveton (kveton@orst.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 14:16:38 EST

Hello all,

I know there has been much discussion about this but I've
got more angry Freehand users than you can shake a stick
at (and believe you me; I'm having to shake it a lot).

The dilemma is the same one as you all recall. If the
user does a save directly to their network directory from
Freehand it ends up munging it beyond recognition. The
biggest problem with this is that even if I educate my
users to do their work on the desktop and then *copy*
their work to their network volume they cannot do it. Let's
just say its an uphill battle.

I know of the fix to get around this (with recompiling
with the CRLF disabled) but I am wondering if this is going
to cause problems for other programs. I'm thinking mainly
of Office, Photoshop, and PageMaker.

Also, is there a way to tell netatalk about Freehand
documents in such a way that they will be saved correctly?
I've tried this with every version of Freehand I can find
and no matter what it gets munged.

Does anyone have anything they can share with me on this?
I want to make this as seamless for as many of my users as
I can without breaking things.

Anything would be appreciated,

Scott :-)

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