[netatalk-admins] "lock-and-load" pre-asun2.1.4-2 snapshot available

Subject: [netatalk-admins] "lock-and-load" pre-asun2.1.4-2 snapshot available
From: a sun (asun@saul4.u.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 15 1999 - 15:41:07 EST

hi all,

i just made available a new snapshot in my testing directory. this one
should have the following features:
       1) byte locks should work in general. i've implemented
          everything but the serialization. i'm waiting to see what
          the samba folks have to say about that so that we can use
          the same serialization method. with helios lantest, the 4000
          lock/unlock test ends up being < 1sec slower on my

       2) seeding both ethertalk and localtalk interfaces should work

       3) slightly modified solaris 64-bit compile Makefile.

it turns out that file synchronization locks and byte locks don't like
using the same mechanism. so, i steal a byte on 32-bit machines and
use an out-of-range byte for 64-bit machines to handle file
synchronization. as a result, 32-bit machines won't be able to byte
lock the 2^31 - 1'st byte. hopefully, that won't be a problem.

anyways, i would really like people that have applications that use
byte locks extensively to test this snapshot out. it works for the
tests that i've given it, but i haven't been totally exhaustive.

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