[netatalk-admins] Netatalk problems with permissions - RETRY

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Netatalk problems with permissions - RETRY
From: Tim O'Shea [ tmo ] (tmoshea@lsb.syr.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 10:18:30 EST

I'm hoping this one just flew below your radar, but I'm really having
problems with this one. Any help/similar situations would be appreciated.


We run a RedHat 5.2 box here with netatalk 1.4b2+asun2.1.3
Our client Macs are 8.1 and 8.5.1 machines.

I'm trying to mount a /tmp volume as scratch space for the macs in the
lab. Problem is, netatalk creates directories with gid bit set. We would
like to utilize the sticky bit to keep users from stepping on each others'
files. Netatalks insistence on setting GID means any user can muck with
any other user's directories.

Is this a bug?

Enabling debugging reveals

Mar 10 14:56:07 lsb afpd[19005]: setdirowner: chown -1/0
.AppleDouble/.Parent: Operation not permitted

Not entirely sure if this is related to the problem.

This error message comes out of unix.c (part of afpd) which sets all
directory perms.

Please help!

Tim O'Shea [tmo]

Director of Research Technology
The Living SchoolBook Project
Syracuse University 315.443.5273 phone
Syracuse, NY 315.443.2258 fax

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