[netatalk-admins] make error

Subject: [netatalk-admins] make error
From: Yohans Mendoza (yohans@demiurge.sirius-images.net)
Date: Mon Mar 22 1999 - 18:12:36 EST

hi all,

I'm new at this.
I have a redhat 5.2 and I'm trying to compile netatalk and I get the
following error
asp_getsess.c: incompatible types in assignment.

I checked the file and tracked down the datatype and is of sigaction.

I also checked the FAQ and saw something about the header file uio.h.
I checked the file and it's different from that of my kernel.
Do I need to replace the headerfile which comes with the c compiler for
that of the kernel?


Yohans Mendoza yohans@utep.edu
Sirius Images Inc. Web Master & Unix Administrator

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