[netatalk-admins] Netatalk and Netapps?

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Netatalk and Netapps?
From: bethany-netatalk@wcug.wwu.edu
Date: Wed Mar 31 1999 - 12:42:41 EST

>From what I see in the afpd.8 man page, it does not look like netatalk
plays "nicely" with NFS:
     AFP byte-range locking is not implemented. afpd gives
     proper responses, but does no actual locking. Moreover,
     synchronization locks use the flock(2) interface. This
     interface is not usually ``NFS-aware''.

Is that the right conclusion to come to? In particular I was thinking of
solving our "make disk space available through SMB and AFP" desires with a
NetApp. Assuming the NetApp can do SMB itself and also export the
disks over NFS to another machine running Netatalk which would do
the AFP work. (Oh, that AFP were important enough for netapp to support

But from the quote above, I'm guessing that this would be impossible.
Please confirm or deny my thoughts. Thanks,

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