[netatalk-admins] patches for netatalk1.42b2+asun1.3

Subject: [netatalk-admins] patches for netatalk1.42b2+asun1.3
From: Dave (Grizz) Glaser (dsglaser@mtu.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 16:14:44 EDT

Do the patches for solaris come with this distrubution or do they need to be added?

(i.e. are the "Resource temporarily unavailable", and dancing icons) patches inclued?

Trying to set up netatalk on Solaris2.6


 David S. Glaser  AKA Grizz	|        
 M&M Systems Administrator      |  There are very few personal
 419 Michigan St.  Apt. 2   	|  problems that can't be fixed by an
 Hancock, MI 49930	 	|  adequate amount of high explosives.  
 dsglaser@mtu.edu 		| 	--anonymous 

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