[netatalk-admins] network problem

Subject: [netatalk-admins] network problem
From: Dave (Grizz) Glaser (dsglaser@mtu.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 17:03:57 EDT

One more question...

I am installing netatalk1.4b2 and asun on Solaris2.6, (just like in the last question). When a guest tries to log in, it works fine. When a valid person puts in an incorrect password, it comes back saying incorrect password. If, however, a valid user puts in a valid password, it comes back with "connection unexpectantly quit" (or something almost exactly like that).

I know someone mentioned this before, but I do not know if it was ever resolved. Anyone got any suggestions?


 David S. Glaser  AKA Grizz	|        
 M&M Systems Administrator      |  There are very few personal
 419 Michigan St.  Apt. 2   	|  problems that can't be fixed by an
 Hancock, MI 49930	 	|  adequate amount of high explosives.  
 dsglaser@mtu.edu 		| 	--anonymous 

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