[netatalk-admins] LaserWriter 8 and Ghostscript: landscape printing

Subject: [netatalk-admins] LaserWriter 8 and Ghostscript: landscape printing
From: Jason F. McBrayer (jmcbray@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 12 1999 - 14:53:01 EDT

I'm banging my head up against the wall again on this one. I have two
printers set up on a Debian GNU/Linux box with the current Debian
package of netatalk+asun. The two are both PCL printers; I use
magicfilter and ghostscript to convert postscript sent by LaserWriter
8 on the Macs.

This works fine for printing in portrait mode, but not for landscape.
When you try to print in landscape, the job gets printed in portrait
orientation with part cut off.

I've tried to fix this by creating separate landscape queues with a
line in the apropriate filter program that looks like this:

0 %! filter /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sDEVICE=cdj850 -sOutputFile=- landscap.ps -

That is, it loads landscap.ps to rotate the file to landscape
orientation before loading the file to be printed. This seems to work
for files I have created in dvips, but not for files printed from the
Macs. I have read the relevant entry in the FAQ-O-Matic, but it seems
to be doing the same thing I am doing here.

Could it be that the Mac-produced files are not ADSC conforming? If
this is the problem, does anyone know how to fix it?

| Jason F. McBrayer              jmcbray@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu |
| The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
| forever.                    R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |

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