[netatalk-admins] network cables

Subject: [netatalk-admins] network cables
From: Richard Mann (rich@pubserv.com)
Date: Thu Apr 15 1999 - 12:57:32 EDT

Now that netatalk 1.4b2+asun2.1.3 has been running smoothly
on my network for awhile, I'm getting farther along in our
migration from 10b2 to 100bT/10bT. The Quadras will go to
10bT, but where do I buy cables or connectors that plug
into that D-14 network connector for built-in ethernet?
I can't find them at Micro Warehouse, and I didn't have
any luck with the AMP site, either.

  "I am now telling the computer *exactly* what it can do with
   half a lifetime's supply of chocolate." ... Willy Wonka and
   the Chocolate Factory.

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