[netatalk-admins] refresh/refresh-timings (again)

Subject: [netatalk-admins] refresh/refresh-timings (again)
From: thomas (thomas@zeitung-zum-sonntag.de)
Date: Tue Apr 20 1999 - 11:12:34 EDT

Subject: refresh/refresh-timings

running netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.1
on kernel-2.0.36 (linux i586)

a new client on MacOS 8.5.1 with a "autopilot"-sw, which is a cron
imitation in DTP-Environment, got trouble with the refresh of shared

That means:
It writes to a folder (shared to it by NetAtalk via TCP/IP on a 10bT) ,
doesn't see its output - cause of (missing) refresh
or some caching- then starts its production again and again and ...

Is there a way to fix this behaviour (means: to force linux/atalk to send
the refresh immediately) from the atalk/linux-side ?

If there are related discussions please point me there.

thank you,

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