[netatalk-admins] AppleTalk-IP with Linux ipddp

Subject: [netatalk-admins] AppleTalk-IP with Linux ipddp
From: Ephraim Franzzup (franzzup@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun Apr 25 1999 - 22:02:48 EDT

Hi all,

I am trying to set up AppleTalk-IP Decapsulation on a
SuSE 6.0 Linux machine, which has kernel 2.2.5-ac6 with ipddp,
netatalk 1.4b2+asun2.0a18.2 and MacGate 1.14 installed.

My client is a Duo 270c running System 7.6.1, connected through an
AsanteTalk LocalTalk/Ethernet bridge. (I do suspect the AsanteTalk
bridge of behaving funny, btw.)

Try as I might, I canīt get the Duo to acknowledge that there is a
MacIP server on the net. OTOH, it has no problems with AppleTalk
services, e.g. connecting to afpd on the Linux machine.

I suspect Iīm being stupid, and I certainly donīt understand the
details of the AppleTalk-IP Decapsulation as provided by MacGate and
ipddp, even after reading all the included documentation - which isnīt
much. Whatīs more, I havenīt been able to find any more detailed docs
anywhere on the Net.

Does anyone have a suggestion for further reading on the subject, or a
pointer in the right direction?

Chris Ferebee
cf at ferebee dot net

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