[netatalk-admins] Netatalk & Quicktime 4

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Netatalk & Quicktime 4
From: David Walker (drwalk@roushind.com)
Date: Fri Apr 23 1999 - 14:46:48 EDT


We're running netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.0 on Solaris 2.6 over TCP/IP
and I've noticed a funny interaction with the Quicktime 4 public beta.
When playing back an MP3 audio file from this server using
Quicktime Player (or any other Quicktime movie-playing application)
as soon as I start to playback the audio, I lose my connection to
the server.

Has anyone else seen similar behavior? I was going to go ahead
and update Netatalk on this server to netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3
to see if that remedies the problem, but I was curious as to
whether anyone else had run into this or had any theories
before I spend the time mucking with makefiles.



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