[netatalk-admins] trouble with registering on network

Subject: [netatalk-admins] trouble with registering on network
From: Jesse Trucks (jtrucks@madison.com)
Date: Thu May 13 1999 - 07:32:14 EDT

I am running OpenBSD/i386. I have netatalk compiled, and the netatalk
kernel option is compiled in a new kernel as well. The programs run, but I
get the following:

host# sh rc.atalk
starting appletalk daemons:AppleTalk not up! Child exited with 1.
 atalkdnbp_rgstr: Connection timed out
Can't register jobquest:Server@*
nbp_rgstr: Connection timed out
Can't register jobquest:netatalk@*
 nbprgstr papd afpd.


Does anyone have an idea? When I searched the archives of this list, I
found a single mention of this as an error in bracket placement in the
rc.atalk. I cannot see where any one of them would be off in this
install. Also, I found several mentions to a FreeBSD 2.2.2 patch. Is this
patch something I might need for the OpenBSD system as well? (If that is
the case then I will have to talk with the port maintainer to get that
fixed in our ports tree.) If so, where is it that I can get that patch,
and what in particular does it do? Also, I believe I am unfamiliar with
Appletalk networks (bad since I have owned macs for years :P) to know
whether the atalkd.conf file is being sued correctly as well. Is there a
resource available that explains this in better detail, from a Unix
perspective, if possible?

Thank you all.

Jesse Trucks
Online Technical Producer
Madison Newspapers, Inc. - http://www.madison.com

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