[netatalk-admins] is it getting cold in here?

Subject: [netatalk-admins] is it getting cold in here?
From: a sun (asun@saul10.u.washington.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 08 1999 - 21:01:20 EDT

hi all,

i've made available pre-asun2.1.4-26.tar.gz. please grab it and try it
on as many platforms as possible. *after editing* the global Makefile
to suit your needs, tell me if it compiles and works for your
non-linux system. in particular, info on the *bsd systems and ultrix
are needed. if it fails, tell me where. if you can get it to crash, i
would really like to hear from you.

what's in this snapshot:
       1) more miscellaneous bugfixes
       2) i added prototypes for all of libatalk and afpd.
       3) even more automated stuff. now, netatalk should
          auto-mkdir/link the appropriate directories/links. i also
          got rid of the need to manually define

so, the only things that aren't auto-defined are the things that you
need to run through test programs to figure out and the stuff in the
global Makefile. again, the "release" version will have most of the
options turned off.

now that that's over, here's what i would like:
       1) any miscellaneous patches that you would like to get
          incorporated. send them to me in unified diff format (diff
          -u3 is a good one) so that i can interpret them.

       2) either patches for the kerberos uam or specs for it.

       3) if someone wants to be in charge of man page improvements, i
          would appreciate it. afppasswd, afpd, and afpd.conf need
          info on them. stefan?

       4) if you have an rpm spec for netatalk, i would like to see it
          so that i can create some merged thing.

       5) any diffs for the solaris STREAMS driver and papd. wes?

       6) if you're on a solaris machine, let me know if the pam stuff
          works. if it does, let me know if it still works with the
          #ifndef SOLARIS bits taken out of uam_*pam.c. if it does
          work, i'll turn it on for solaris 2.6/7 machines.

       7) if you're on a sys/generic machine (currently irix, aix, and
          digital unix/Tru64), let me know if it works with the
          supplied flags. if not, tell me what flags need to be

i will probably fiddle a little bit more with the error responses for
the authentication methods. however, i'd really like to solidify this
release rapidly as it's preventing me from starting on some major
changes designed to make afpd suitable for multiple reader/writer use.


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