[netatalk-admins] RedHat 6.0 help

Subject: [netatalk-admins] RedHat 6.0 help
From: John Barnett (jdb@server.nsnva.pvt.k12.va.us)
Date: Fri Jun 11 1999 - 13:57:00 EDT


I've run netatalk before on a rh5.1 system, but I just upgraded to
6.0, and I'm having problems. Appletalk is loaded as a module, but
when I try and start netatalk services (by calling
/etc/rc.d/init.d/atalk start), it prints this error message:

AppleTalk not up! Child exited with 1.

(which I checked at the FAQ-O-Matic, but it didn't apply to my problem,
as far as I could see)

--and, I get the following messages in /var/log/messages:

Jun 11 13:45:55 server kernel: NET4: AppleTalk 0.18 for Linux NET4.0
Jun 11 13:45:59 server atalkd[4617]: restart (1.4b2+asun2.1.3)
Jun 11 13:45:59 server atalkd[4617]: setifaddr: lo: Operation not permitted
Jun 11 13:45:59 server atalkd[4617]: difaddr(0.0): Operation not permitted
Jun 11 13:45:59 server atalkd[4617]: difaddr(0.0): Operation not permitted
Jun 11 13:45:59 server atalkd: difaddr(0.0): Operation not permitted

Anyone have an idea as to what my problem might be? I've tried
a few different RPMs, and also compiled and installed it from
the source, but all give the same results; I read somewhere that something
about the DDP code in the Linux kernel changed in 2.2-- could this
have something to do with it?

Thanks, anyone who can help out on this.

-John Barnett

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