[netatalk-admins] redhat 6

Subject: [netatalk-admins] redhat 6
From: John Barnett (jdb@server.nsnva.pvt.k12.va.us)
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 19:44:57 EDT

I've seen (and posted) some messages about strangeness involving
netatalk in redhat 6. Someone posted a message suggesting that
the problem is glibc 2.1; I have a couple of follow up questions
to that.

- if the problem is glibc 2.1, would a version compiled on an earlier
glibc work? I wasn't able to run my earlier version on rh 6.

- if that is the problem, how would I get around it? I imagine that
if I tried to use an earlier glibc, that might break other things;
any thoughts as to how to proceed?

I'd especially like to hear from those who *are* running netatalk
successfully on redhat 6; perhaps you could guide me through what you
had to do to get things running.

Thanks for any help.

-John Barnett

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