Re: [netatalk-admins] Setup guide or tutorial

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Setup guide or tutorial
From: Patrik Schindler (
Date: Sat Jul 10 1999 - 06:42:41 EDT

At 22:32 Uhr -0400 09.07.1999, wrote:

>>If you use latest netatalk-1.4b2-asun2.1.3, then there are examples in
>>the configfiles which should help you out.
>That's what I'm using and that's what I was looking at. Got an actual example?

/usr2 Server

One is for /home/$LOGNAME, one for a big striped volume named Server.


atalkd fills in the rest of the bits if it starts once.

Hope, that helped.

:wq! PoC

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