[netatalk-admins] pre-asun2.1.4-31 available

Subject: [netatalk-admins] pre-asun2.1.4-31 available
From: a sun (asun@saul4.u.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 12 1999 - 16:09:15 EDT

we're getting ever closer. this snapshot should fix up the -dontroute
option so that it works much better. if you would like to try out the
wonders of multihoming, here's the ritual:
        atalkd: atalkd.conf has to have an interface with the
                -dontroute option set.
        nbplkup/rgstr/unrgstr: if you don't want things to go to the
                default interface (the second one usually), specify -A
        afpd: you'll probably want to use the -proxy option. look at
              afpd.conf for insights.

after i release this patchset for real, i'll fix up atalkd so that it
supports multihoming and routing on the same interface.

oh yeah, i have atalkd do some more checking now for interfaces that
work. in the past, it could screw upon on aliased interfaces that
don't support appletalk. it will now just skip them.

in addition, i've created a contrib directory for the miscellaneous
stuff that i get that i don't know where to put. right now, it has a
perl script to dump internet config suffices as well as some printing
scripts for solaris.

also, if you're running netbsd (on any platform), let me know if it
compiles all right for you. i changed the flags a little, and i want
to make sure that it's compatible on all of the netbsds. actually, i
would like reports for all the platforms in general. if i don't get
reports of any problems, i just need to work with inoue to make sure
that we have a proper rpm spec file, and i'll release it.


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