Re: [netatalk-admins] Samba/Unix File Management vs. Resource Forks?

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Samba/Unix File Management vs. Resource Forks?
From: a sun (
Date: Fri Jul 16 1999 - 13:34:43 EDT

   and leaves "manipulate files" undefined, but i think this is
   important to know in order to judge how far and tight the
   integration actually can go.

the --with-netatalk option will just cause samba to move around
.AppleDouble/blah files along with the blah file. i think there's some
integration in terms of reading configuration files as well, but i'm
not up-to-date in that area. so, it should handle windows copying
without screwing up existing resource forks.

> in the future, samba and netatalk will cooperate even more.

   if you find the time, don't hesitate throwing all the dirty bits and
   bytes regarding this at us, i guess some are interested in this.

there are number of issues that netatalk and samba need to cooperate
on for things to work transparently:
    1) locking: in the future, netatalk will be able to link against
       samba's locking mechanism. as a result, both samba and netatalk
       should honor each other's locks.

    2) database management. when i'm done with this current snapshot,
       i will be switching netatalk to extensively use a database to
       fix a number of problems. samba (and other programs) need to
       minimally interact with that database so that things don't get
       confused. i will provide command-line utilities to help with
       this as well. note: anyone doing an appleshare solution on a
       unix-style machine basically has to end up doing this.

    3) file name mapping. i have some code in netatalk, but it allows
       some mappings that cause windows confusion. if someone gives me
       the illegal characters in windows, i'll add an option that
       allows the masking of those characters so that you can't create


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